Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: Dave!!10 Nov 2007 01:51
To: Mouse 451 of 518

<looks at mini-crossbow>


You just had to go one better didn't you :-((

From: Mouse10 Nov 2007 01:54
To: Dave!! 452 of 518
Dude, Kos has packed a Cunt Hat apparently. How does that rate amongst mine and your various sized cross bows? :|
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Nov 2007 02:15
To: koswix 453 of 518
All I'm bringing is Bioshock for Dyl, a can of deodourant and my degree thesis :(
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Nov 2007 02:18
To: ALL454 of 518
I don't have any of the Scotches numbers any more. If anyone's still up, want to swap?
From: af (CAER)10 Nov 2007 03:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 455 of 518
You might have to give me+Bob a lift, depends how much I feel like drinking. If I don't, I also can provide taxi service.
EDITED: 10 Nov 2007 03:11 by CAER
From: dyl10 Nov 2007 03:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 456 of 518
I am shorter and wider than Mouse and have far less hair and a mini beard. I will be with him getting off the train arriving at York at 12:32 from Sheffield and Leeds if all goes according to plan.
From: dyl10 Nov 2007 03:24
To: Linn (INDYLS) 457 of 518
Dammit, that was meant to be to you.
From: koswix10 Nov 2007 10:30
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 458 of 518
Mine's xxxxx xxx xxx
EDITED: 11 Nov 2007 18:59 by KOSWIX
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Nov 2007 10:48
To: koswix 459 of 518
Cheers chuck. See you guys at waverly!
From: Rich10 Nov 2007 11:11
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 460 of 518
Can I swap numbers with somebody? It's been a while and all that.
From: Dave!!10 Nov 2007 11:46
To: Mouse 461 of 518
I think we're fucked to be frank. Kos's magnificent cunt hat will own us all :'-(
From: koswix10 Nov 2007 12:05
To: Dave!! 462 of 518
It has flaps, you know.
From: koswix10 Nov 2007 12:09
To: Rich 463 of 518

If no one's swapped with you feel free to use mine up there.


Everyone else: mouse is worried about his phone battery dieing so if you're relaying on him as your contact point for finding the pub feel free to take down my number as a backup.

From: af (CAER)10 Nov 2007 13:18
To: koswix 464 of 518
I will probably phoning you once I arrive, seeing as yours is the only number I have now :$

I'm leaving in about 10 minutes and Google reckons it takes about 2 hours.

Any suggestions as to where I might park?

My mobile is 07955 819 631.

ALSO: Bob will not be coming as he went to his mate's house last night and I can't get in touch with him now :@
From: Linn (INDYLS)10 Nov 2007 13:35
To: Mouse 465 of 518

Not really?

edit - I know where the Maltings is, so will find you no problem.
EDITED: 10 Nov 2007 13:40 by INDYLS
From: koswix10 Nov 2007 13:51
To: af (CAER) 466 of 518
No idea where to park - therejs a pretty good electro sign system that should direct you to the car park wirh spaces.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Nov 2007 14:41
To: af (CAER) 467 of 518
Bob will not be coming as he went to his mate's house last night and I can't get in touch with him now :@

Heh, wonder if his friend is my brother - since I can't get in touch with him either. :S

Parking-wise, there's fifteen council carparks, four of which close at 18:30 and lock cars in - so if you don't want that, look for an orange one.
The biggest one (421 bays) is St Georges Field, near Tower Street / Skeldergate Bridge, which is where I'll probably head for.
From: Dave!!11 Nov 2007 02:21
To: ALL468 of 518

Well, that was a damn fucking good meat. Thanks to everyone who attended, no thanks to the NASTY PEOPLE who broke the train signals >:-(


I wonder how vodka-chess is going at Manthrobs...

Message 33076.469 was deleted
From: Linn (INDYLS)11 Nov 2007 10:56
To: ALL470 of 518
Hey to everyone who made it last night. I truly had the best time – it was so great to meet every one of you. Thanks for making me feel so welcome.

For those of you prisoner to delayed trains - I hope you had a safe journey.
Cheers, Linn

(damn, looks like I missed some drunken Kos ramblings up there!)

EDITED: 11 Nov 2007 10:58 by INDYLS