Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: koswix27 Sep 2007 15:13
To: Mouse 209 of 518
Like you'd have the will power to stay away.
From: Jo (JELLS)27 Sep 2007 15:22
To: koswix 210 of 518
really?! I only just fit my legs in the seats we had when flying cattle class (I'm 5'11"), and my missus was in pain most of the way (she's 6'1")

Well, the one time we flew with Zoom from Montreal to London, we found it very spacious compared to Air Canada. I'm 5'4" and Jon's 6'2" and it was definitely better. However, we flew Air Canada back in January when we had to go over for his mum's funeral. That turned out OK because the flight wasn't sold out and so we were able to grab our own row each and stretch out.
EDITED: 27 Sep 2007 15:23 by JELLS
From: Mouse27 Sep 2007 16:40
To: koswix 211 of 518
From: koswix27 Sep 2007 20:59
To: Mouse 212 of 518
From: Manthorp27 Sep 2007 21:48
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 213 of 518
Of course you can, Serge, as long as you don't play Hide the Snake again. Or not the literal version, anyway.

York is in York, whereas Manthorp Towers is in Steeton. The key difference is that we have Richard Chamley, Butcher, and they have a Minster. We're not prepared to swap.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Sep 2007 22:01
To: ALL214 of 518

Sorry - was away all day in London again, so I couldn't post. Any chance we could make it the 14th of Doctem@~%^$*explodes*


But anyway - I think the important thing right now is for Lindy to be safe in the knowledge that the date isn't going to change unless she gets a fantabulous flight deal on another date or something.


My experiences of Zoom have been adequate, but emotionally fraught, and a damn sight more expensive than most, what with booking return flights, then having to change the return leg, TWICE. Legroom was just about adequate. I can remember that the pasta they served was possibly the worst food I've ever had on an aircraft, and possibly the worst food I've ever had anywhere. Except maybe that restaurant in Pisa, where they served us microwaved pasta in foil containers, possibly from the same batch as Zoom got.


Air Canada, I haven't flown with for about 10 years, so can't really comment. There was another lot starting up doing cheap flights between the UK and Canada, but I never found out what they were like before it all went pear-shaped. These days, I'm off transatlantic travel.

From: Mouse28 Sep 2007 00:00
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 215 of 518

Fucking hell man, don't try and sell that flight or anything will you?


Btw, modnazis. If you could add/alter to the tiltle of this thread saying something indicating that the North foreverescheduled meat is now on the 10TH OF NOVEMBER, that would be grand. Also, you shoud make it sticky, just in case any members of Red Watch happen to be surfing.


I would be thankful theodore.

From: JonCooper28 Sep 2007 00:30
To: Mouse 216 of 518
sticky 'till 00:00 on 10th Nov

I am not sure if that's the beginning or end of the day, beginning I should think.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)28 Sep 2007 08:41
To: Manthorp 217 of 518

Hurrah! I shall negotiate with my girlie (who's likely to be the only one playing snake games nowadays :C ), and I'll let you know.


Train tickets look ok too, it could work out at about £90 for all that for both of us - although I so wish we had a car instead... Ah well, next meat might be 'motorised'.

From: Voltane28 Sep 2007 11:43
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 218 of 518
Well I was looking at whether I could afford this but i'm at Heaven and Hell on the 10th so another Northern Meet i'll have to miss.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)28 Sep 2007 12:15
To: Voltane 219 of 518
Awh :( next one then - if we have a car by then and teh hasn't banned me, we could take you there. Maybe. Too far in advance to think about it.
From: koswix28 Sep 2007 12:42
To: Voltane 220 of 518
We could look at changing the da<dies>
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Oct 2007 08:27
To: Mouse 221 of 518
So is it definitely absolutely finally the tenth Nov?
From: Dave!! 1 Oct 2007 08:51
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 222 of 518
Well, it might be...
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 1 Oct 2007 08:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 223 of 518

Looks like it. Come along Pete, let's make it a /huge/ meat and show them northeners that they're not alone :{)


(and we're coming along too, 95% sure)

From: Mouse 1 Oct 2007 10:30
To: ALL224 of 518

Right so, I have tried to make the inital post's list up to date. Those still to confirm the new date are:


Andy Caer

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Oct 2007 11:13
To: ALL225 of 518



Don't worry, this isn't a "can we change the date?" Nyaarrrghhhhh, but bloody hell's getting on my tits today. First time in, it told me there were no trains between Glasgow and York. Then I went in again, and it found some, and let me chose my train, and showed me the ticket prices, and then I decided to see if I could work out how the shopping basket worked, and somehow ended up losing the booking (for future reference, if you get to stage 6 of the booking process, the ticket is added to your basket. That's the ONLY WAY). THEN I went back in, and the ticket I'd booked wasn't available on the train I'd booked it for, but I managed to book another ticket at the same price at something approximating the same train*, tried to pay, and it didn't get to the confirmation screen. Phoned support, they confirmed that payment hadn't gone through, and I should try again. Tried again, got a message saying that payment hadn't been authorised. Tried another card. Same thing. Tried another card. Same thing. Gave up, and I'm going to go and speak to a human being at a train station to see if I can get the tickets I'm after. Useless bastards.


*Original was 9:30 Glasgow -> Edinburgh, 10:30 Edinburgh -> York.
Second attempt was 9:20 Glasgow -> York, which is the same train as gets to Edinburgh at 10:30. Madness.

From: Mouse 1 Oct 2007 11:27
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 226 of 518
Oh dear.. Could they not do it over the phone?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 1 Oct 2007 11:40
To: Mouse 227 of 518
That'd be much too simple. I'm hoping that if I go to a station and talk to a real person, I might actually get somwhere. Last time I went to Dundee, the nice man behind the counter told me it was cheaper to get a single to Perth, and a single from Perth to Dundee than it was to get a single to Dundee. He was right!
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 1 Oct 2007 11:41
To: Mouse 228 of 518
Ahahah - that's SO last year, get with the Web 2.0 dude. :{)