Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)28 Aug 2007 21:56
To: Mouse 2 of 518
I'll probably be able to do the 20th or 27 - anything earlier and it's the bit of the year when various friends have birthdays and parties and that.
From: dyl29 Aug 2007 01:52
To: Mouse 3 of 518

13th is the day after Tunng play in Leeds and is the night when they play in Sheffield. I reckon me being in Leeds to see them on the 12th and then staying for Meat teh next day would work, though maybe I will go and see them in Sheffield on the 13th as well or instead. I dunno.


The weekend of the 6th is out for me as we have at least one gig, probably two.


Apart from that, October looks big and empty at the mo and Meat is welcome as I have rather more time on my hands than previously.

From: Dave!!29 Aug 2007 09:01
To: Mouse 4 of 518
I have no real plans for October at the moment and can make any of those dates. York suits me as it's only one quick hop on the train away from where I live.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)29 Aug 2007 09:12
To: dyl 5 of 518
Could you ask them to play Glasgow the next time they tour? I picked up their new album the other day and am liking it lots.
From: koswix29 Aug 2007 15:08
To: Mouse 6 of 518

Can potentialy make an appearance on any of those dates.


York or Leeds or wherever, really.

From: Mouse29 Aug 2007 15:44
To: koswix 7 of 518
I'm keeping you away from Bradford to save you from Naan poisoning.
From: koswix29 Aug 2007 16:47
To: Mouse 8 of 518

I reckon I could eat a whole one if I didn't eat any curry or drink any beer before hand.



From: Mouse29 Aug 2007 16:51
To: koswix 9 of 518
You'd shrivel up like a prune.
EDITED: 29 Aug 2007 16:52 by MOUSE
From: koswix29 Aug 2007 16:58
To: Mouse 10 of 518
I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you Mr. Mouse? If that's even your real name.
From: Mouse29 Aug 2007 17:07
To: koswix 11 of 518
From: Mouse29 Aug 2007 18:46
To: Mouse 12 of 518

Alright, I'm going to put this out there.


20th October, York.


Who is going to spoil it all?


There should be a theme....

From: koswix29 Aug 2007 18:48
To: Mouse 13 of 518
From: koswix29 Aug 2007 18:53
To: Mouse 14 of 518

I think the theme should be Pirates vs. Ninjas.


Everyone attending has to dress as /either/ a PIRATE /or/ a NINJA. There is to be NO conversing about who's coming dresssed as what. Then on the day whichever lot has more people (that is if there are more PIRATES than NINJAS or more NINJAS than PIRATES) gets to make the other lot (PIRATES or NINJAS) buy them beer.


Failing that I suggest a Hello Kitty theme. I'll be the humiliated one in the corner.

From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Aug 2007 20:39
To: koswix 15 of 518
You obviously know how to party. 
From: koswix29 Aug 2007 21:24
To: Linn (INDYLS) 16 of 518

I (heart) poirates.



From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Aug 2007 22:17
To: koswix 17 of 518
Who doesn't! 

Sadly, your party plans are destined to fall to pieces when everyone shows up wearing eye patches and peg legs.  
EDITED: 29 Aug 2007 22:18 by INDYLS
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Aug 2007 22:31
To: Linn (INDYLS) 18 of 518
Hey, I'd dress as a Ninja! ...well, I would if it wouldn't mean buying everyone a drink. :S
From: dyl29 Aug 2007 23:24
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 19 of 518
They are rather excellent. I met them at a wedding where I was sitting at the same table as them, and they played later that night. They managed to make all their songs be about Dan and Jess (the newly-weds). The first song they played was "Dan and Jess" and the lyrics were "Dan and Jess. Dan and Jess. Dan and Jess. Dan and Jess" and so on.
From: ian29 Aug 2007 23:38
To: koswix 20 of 518

I was dressed as a pirate on Sunday. Admittedly my costume was not as elaborate as some of my friends but I was a pirate none the less.


This also reminds me that I need to get my Ninja suit back from my friend!



From: koswix30 Aug 2007 07:52
To: ian 21 of 518