Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: Linn (INDYLS)24 Sep 2007 16:05
To: Manthorp 171 of 518
This gets more enticing by the minute. 


Message 33076.172 was deleted
From: Manthorp24 Sep 2007 22:35
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 173 of 518
From: Dave!!25 Sep 2007 08:53
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 174 of 518
That's cool, we'll just let Manthorp to all the licking :P
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)26 Sep 2007 10:16
To: ALL175 of 518

Oh bloody hell.


I suppose I should have read further down the list of engineering works, because it looks like there's similar amounts of work going on for the weekends of the 27th and the 3rd as well. :(


Things are slightly better on the 27th than they were on the 20th, because there are trains running on the Sunday between Edinburgh and Glasgow, but the Saturday is still Glasgow -> Carlisle -> York. Full, normality is not returned until the 10th of November.


I'm happy to stick with the 27th, although it means the Glasgow and Edinburgh teams won't be able to meet up on the train on the way down. This is possibly a good thing, depending on whether York's attitude to gangs of drunken maurauding Scotsmen has changed at all in the last 400 years.


Just looking at the prices for tickets - that Glasgow -> Carlisle -> York route I just mentioned is only available at £68, vs a slightly later 9:45 Glasgow -> Edinbugger -> Newcastle -> York route that gets in at quarter to three, and is £23 (GNER Std Advance).


Getting back seems to be about 70 quid from Steeton, or possibly getting the ticket from Steeton to Leeds on the day and wangling it from there.


Meh - I want to ask nicely if we could change it to the 10th of November when there's more trains and better deals, but would that be just asking for trouble?

From: koswix26 Sep 2007 10:52
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 176 of 518

The 10th would be grand, especially as it's a merre 4 days after pay day.


Not that I'm offering to buy anyone a drink...

From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2007 12:42
To: ALL177 of 518
Why not make this the Christmas meat then!
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)26 Sep 2007 12:59
To: ANT_THOMAS 178 of 518
But then what'll we do in February?
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2007 13:00
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 179 of 518
Have the date changed enough times to make it an Easter Meat.
From: koswix26 Sep 2007 13:07
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 180 of 518
Random thought - is there no engineering work on the weekend of the 10th of November, or has it just not been announced yet? :|
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)26 Sep 2007 13:23
To: koswix 181 of 518



So remind me again - you're now working for the Department of Not Helping, right?


I had a look here:


And there's nothing which would affect things too badly.


I blame the unions anyway. If Thatcher had her way, all the engineering work would be carried out in the middle of the night by cheap foreign labour, with the electricity switched on. And then we'd send the cheap foreign labour back to where they came from, having taken all their money.

From: koswix26 Sep 2007 14:12
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 182 of 518
I thought that's how we do things in Blair's Brown's Britain anywy?

So 10th, then?
EDITED: 26 Sep 2007 14:15 by KOSWIX
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)26 Sep 2007 14:27
To: koswix 183 of 518

Assuming that suits The Northerners.


Mouse!? Manthrob!? T'Others!? What say ye?

From: Mouse26 Sep 2007 16:49
To: ALL184 of 518
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)26 Sep 2007 16:53
To: Mouse 185 of 518
I KNOW!!1!!¬!
From: dyl26 Sep 2007 18:37
To: ALL186 of 518

WTF ever.


I will just say that last night I arranged all my work for October and have kept the weekend of the 27th free.

EDITED: 26 Sep 2007 18:38 by DYL
From: Mouse26 Sep 2007 19:01
To: dyl 187 of 518

And I booked the 27th off work with much kicking and screaming (I don't really get days off).


I could attempt to change it to.. whenever the Scots are on about now.


What about Linn?

Message 33076.188 was deleted
From: Mouse26 Sep 2007 19:08
To: Linn (INDYLS) 189 of 518
Some cultural information about Britain. English people are decisive, Scottish people are faffers. 10th of November any good for you?
EDITED: 26 Sep 2007 19:09 by MOUSE
From: koswix26 Sep 2007 19:08
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 190 of 518
If we start walking now...