Northern Meat (now 10th Nov)

From: Linn (INDYLS)29 Aug 2007 22:17
To: koswix 17 of 518
Who doesn't! 

Sadly, your party plans are destined to fall to pieces when everyone shows up wearing eye patches and peg legs.  
EDITED: 29 Aug 2007 22:18 by INDYLS
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Aug 2007 22:31
To: Linn (INDYLS) 18 of 518
Hey, I'd dress as a Ninja! ...well, I would if it wouldn't mean buying everyone a drink. :S
From: dyl29 Aug 2007 23:24
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 19 of 518
They are rather excellent. I met them at a wedding where I was sitting at the same table as them, and they played later that night. They managed to make all their songs be about Dan and Jess (the newly-weds). The first song they played was "Dan and Jess" and the lyrics were "Dan and Jess. Dan and Jess. Dan and Jess. Dan and Jess" and so on.
From: ian29 Aug 2007 23:38
To: koswix 20 of 518

I was dressed as a pirate on Sunday. Admittedly my costume was not as elaborate as some of my friends but I was a pirate none the less.


This also reminds me that I need to get my Ninja suit back from my friend!



From: koswix30 Aug 2007 07:52
To: ian 21 of 518
From: Dave!!30 Aug 2007 10:05
To: Mouse 22 of 518

I say a tentative yes for that assuming nothing urgent pops up then.


Pirate wise, I remember feeling very jealous of one of my mates a few months back. He works for Odeon cinemas and was actually asked to spend the day dressed up as a pirate when the last Pirates of the Caribbean film came out. Yes. He spent a day at work as a pirate and got paid for it too. Git. :(

From: milko30 Aug 2007 10:10
To: Dave!! 23 of 518
On the other hand, he has to work at a cinema.
From: Mouse30 Aug 2007 14:29
To: Manthorp 24 of 518
Will sir be coming to jump through some trees and possibly off a bridge?
From: af (CAER)30 Aug 2007 15:49
To: Mouse 25 of 518
I ought to be able to come to this Meat, and I reckon Bob'd be up for it also. I shall ask him.
From: af (CAER)30 Aug 2007 15:51
To: bob (BOBFARRELL) 26 of 518
Are you coming?
From: Manthorp31 Aug 2007 23:52
To: Mouse 27 of 518
Aye, I'll be there with one proviso: I've been provisionally booked to speak at a mediafag conference in Malaysia some time in October. But I should know my dates (if any) soon.

ASSUMING I am in attendance, the dog basket is thrown open, as ever, to anybody whose online moniker doesn't rhyme with Spazzo.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 1 Sep 2007 21:33
To: Manthorp 28 of 518
You guys are so mean.


From: Manthorp 2 Sep 2007 00:35
To: Linn (INDYLS) 29 of 518
Your name rhymes with sin, therefore you are not only invited, but given A list sit-next-to-Manthorp-and-get-uncomfortably-pawed guest status.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 2 Sep 2007 01:29
To: Manthorp 30 of 518
Definately worth the price of the ticket. I'll check my calendar.
From: koswix 2 Sep 2007 02:40
To: Manthorp 31 of 518
You bastard. You prosed that position to me for the next meat :-((
From: Rich (RICARD00) 3 Sep 2007 13:49
To: Mouse 32 of 518
No good for me, I'll catch you cunts at the next one.
From: Manthorp 3 Sep 2007 19:21
To: Linn (INDYLS) 33 of 518
PLUS you'll get utter pride of place in the dog basket. Even above Kenny for whom the dog holds a particular and somewhat worrying affection.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 3 Sep 2007 21:11
To: Manthorp 34 of 518
I'd be more than happy to have Linn on top of me in the dog basket positionings.
From: Manthorp 3 Sep 2007 21:11
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 35 of 518
Always the gent.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 3 Sep 2007 22:08
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 36 of 518
Now I'm definately going to try to clear my calander!


EDITED: 3 Sep 2007 22:08 by INDYLS