Teh meat 2007 poll

From: johngti_mk-ii28 Aug 2007 22:14
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 26 of 37
Awww shucks :$
From: Voltane29 Aug 2007 11:12
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 27 of 37

Bummer. :(


So who actually is going then?





From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)29 Aug 2007 13:50
To: Voltane 28 of 37
I still do not know but it is not looking good at the mo. I will have an answer by Friday. One of my mates owes me some money so I will try and call the debt in!
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)31 Aug 2007 10:17
To: Voltane 29 of 37

Sorry to say this but I will not be attending due to money being to tight to mention.


I will attend the xmas meat without fail.

From: Dave!!31 Aug 2007 10:28
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 30 of 37
Like this then?
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)31 Aug 2007 10:31
To: ALL31 of 37
So who's coming tomorrow then? Eh?
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)31 Aug 2007 11:48
To: Dave!! 32 of 37



I should know by now to read the link before clicking :|

From: Voltane31 Aug 2007 15:35
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 33 of 37
Erm.....just you and me at the moment. :(
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)31 Aug 2007 15:39
To: Voltane 34 of 37
Heheh... Hm, wondering if we should reschedule if that's the case? Not that I'm objecting to a pint or anything :D
From: Voltane31 Aug 2007 16:12
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 35 of 37

Well we could leave it until later, I guess.
But since I left my job today a celebratory drink should be in order.


Totally up to you.

From: koswix31 Aug 2007 22:39
To: Voltane 36 of 37

I'd really like to come.


In fact, I'd really like to do almost anything other than go to Cardif :(

From: PNCOOL31 Aug 2007 23:12
To: ALL37 of 37
I'm afraid myself and Helen will not be in attendance if it is tomorrow. I need to find out what's happening with my car and I'm shattered after the week from hell at work. I'm also skinter than a skint man's skint bits.