
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 1 Aug 2007 13:41
To: ALL17 of 103

Informational thingy with 1and1....


unless you specifically buy a root server, which has no support, youdon't get root access. You can't do that much via SSH, certainly no installing/reconfiguring etc.


Also, I deal with a few linux servers, be happy to help here if ever needed in that department (if matt ever isn't around, or tires of it i suppose).

EDITED: 1 Aug 2007 13:41 by BENLUMLEY
From: Rowan 1 Aug 2007 13:47
To: Matt 18 of 103

Ah, bobbins. D'you think we could just buy a package beneath our needs and hope we get upgraded for free again? No, didn't think so.


That seems to make Rendle's find look pretty good value.

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 1 Aug 2007 15:13
To: Matt 19 of 103
Surely there's support and there's support, though. They'd be obliged to support you if the service they provided was inadequate; they should just mean they won't help you fix problems with Apache or MySQL or whatever. Shouldn't they?
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 1 Aug 2007 23:45
Yeah, we must have enough people here who can sort out apache/php/mysql. So on that basis, the support shouldn't be a huge issue.

I for one would be about 99% sure i could sort it out if anything went wrong.

It also worth finding out how they do support, I've come across places where their idea of support is to return the system to its original supplied state if you fuck it up, and so you have to re-do any changes you've done again. That sort of thing is probably worthless to us.
From: koswix 1 Aug 2007 23:52
From: Matty (EVSTAR) 1 Aug 2007 23:56

I work for 1&1 in the kansas datacenter as a datacenter tech. Flash tour kinda thing here.
Ill see what i can get a rootserver for. If i can get the cheap one for cheap currently around 50 pounds a month. I can just upgrade the hardware. (bounce) (cheer) (bounce)


And for the OS you have to choose one we provide but im pretty sure you can do what you want with it within reason.

From: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 2 Aug 2007 08:55
To: Matty (EVSTAR) 23 of 103
Is the UK business entirely separate? ie: would anything you can get need to be in the US? Probably makes sense to anyway, then we can shout at you to turn it back on etc :D
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 2 Aug 2007 10:12
To: koswix 24 of 103
Conceivably, yes. The annual prepay for the middle one is only £290, and it seems to be good enough.
From: Rowan 2 Aug 2007 11:08
To: koswix 25 of 103

As good as when I suggested it, at least.


Nobody listens to me. :((

From: koswix 2 Aug 2007 11:09
I thought it looked about right. I don't know a huge much about these things, though.
From: Matty (EVSTAR) 3 Aug 2007 19:25
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 27 of 103
As far as i am aware all the US and Canada customers are hosted in the US. and the rest of the world is hosted in Germany.
From: Woggy 3 Aug 2007 22:21
To: ALL28 of 103
I don't mind giving money to someone but through an online balance transfer it's going to take 3 working days so we need to sort this out soon.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Aug 2007 22:39
To: Woggy 29 of 103
If it comes to it, I can afford to pay for it and collect donations afterwards.

I guess what we need first is someone to compile a comparison of the hosts suggested so far that meet the requirements to help decide which is the best option.
( I'd have volunteered to do so, but I'm going to be otherwise occupied for the evening. :'( )
From: JonCooper 3 Aug 2007 22:47
To: ALL30 of 103
[edit] if PB can afford to pay upfront and sort it out later, that might work better (cos I can't afford that)
EDITED: 3 Aug 2007 22:49 by JONCOOPER
From: Rowan 3 Aug 2007 23:39
To: ALL31 of 103
eHosting eV Silver

Disk space: 20GB
Traffic: 150GB / month
Min memory: 384MB
Burstable memroy: 1024MB
CPU: weight 1000 ( :? )
Price: £28.78 / month = £345.31 / year

Notes: Poor or no support. I also wonder whether we only get Plesk if we pay an extra £5 a month, or if that's just for the extra 100 licences. Also, I've taken 'taxes where applicable' to be 17.5%. Is that right? Seems to be, going by InterHost

InterHost Plesk VPS 25

Disk space: 25GB
Traffic: 97.7GB / month
Min memory: 384MB
Burstable memroy: Unknown
CPU: Unknown
Price: £34.06 / month OR £340.63 / year

Notes: None.

1and1 Business

Disk space: 10GB
Traffic: 200GB / month
Min memory: Unknown
Burstable memroy: Unknown
CPU: Unknown
Price: £264.24 / year

Notes: No root access! Apparently no way to pay for trial month, or owt.

EuroVPS (here)

Disk space: 10GB
Traffic: Enough
Min memory: 512MB
Burstable memroy: Possibly 2048MB
CPU: Unknown
Price: £409.07 / year

Notes: It works.

I think that's it? To my mind, that makes it between Interhost and EuroVPS. Is £70 worth peace of mind and a minimum of effort? I suppose that's what we have to decide.
From: Woggy 4 Aug 2007 10:38
To: Rowan 32 of 103
If It's only £70 difference we may as well stay here.
From: Rowan 4 Aug 2007 11:29
To: Woggy 33 of 103
Aye, that would have been my vote, if the poll hadn't ended.
From: JonCooper 4 Aug 2007 12:14
To: JonCooper 34 of 103
do we need frontpage extentions?

[white text] (that last one is a JOKE people !) [/white text]

just in case anyone though I meant it ...
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 Aug 2007 00:05
To: ALL35 of 103
Ok, Patch has transfered the EuroVPS account across to me, and it looks like the consensus is to stay with them?

If I haven't heard otherwise by Thursday/Friday, I'll assume that to be the case and process the renewal and we can work out payments and stuff.
From: Linn (INDYLS) 7 Aug 2007 00:33
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 36 of 103
You will be collecting donations then? PM your address?