
From: Radio 3 Jul 2007 16:06
To: Matt 7 of 46

Seconded - I have an Epson 200 or something similar that can print straight onto printable CD's. Does them in about 3 minutes or so using Epson's own EpsonCD tool.
SVP sell the latest version of that Epson printer as well, if memory serves.

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 4 Jul 2007 13:50
To: Matt 8 of 46
THIRTY quid¬?!!?"? I'm much cheaper than that (ha ha).
From: Matt 4 Jul 2007 14:56
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 9 of 46
Pfft. Get what you pay for. BulkPaq are shit.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 4 Jul 2007 20:53
To: ALL10 of 46
Also have lightscribe and think its ok for disks that you wawanna keep like photo back up's and things. Does take about 30mins to burn a disc though and you do need to hve it on the highest setting forr it to look good.
From: koswix17 Jul 2007 19:56
To: johngti_mk-ii 11 of 46
I'd recomend a Canon IP4300 printer and printable CDs/DVDs, as others have mentioned.
Message 32755.12 was deleted
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Nov 2013 17:21
To: ALL13 of 46
What a fucking tease.
From: milko19 Nov 2013 18:37
To: ANT_THOMAS 14 of 46
I only delete boring spam trust me. 
From: koswix19 Nov 2013 19:45
To: milko 15 of 46
Trust you, your a mod. Schyeah.
From: milko19 Nov 2013 19:48
To: koswix 16 of 46
only in the loosest possible sense, honest!
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Nov 2013 03:05
To: milko 17 of 46
Loose like a slutty dolphin?
From: koswix20 Nov 2013 09:28
You /wish/.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)20 Nov 2013 17:51
I don't think fish can be slutty :|
From: milko20 Nov 2013 18:20
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 20 of 46
I thought that, but then I remembered seeing them on a programme once, scattering their eggs willy-nilly throughout the seabed. "For safety" apparently, but we know the truth.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)21 Nov 2013 08:10
To: milko 21 of 46
Is the truth that the feds made them do it by using mind control?
From: graphitone21 Nov 2013 10:04
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 22 of 46
You've kissed a dolphin. Or at least hugged one. I've seen the evidence. Did they embrace in a chaste, platonic way, or did they go in for the groin grope?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)21 Nov 2013 11:10
To: graphitone 23 of 46
I rode it like a fucking horse of the sea!  It was actually pretty fucking amazing.  Those bastards are fast!  And then we kissed!
From: graphitone21 Nov 2013 12:10
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 24 of 46

I would therefore conclude that you are both sluts.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)21 Nov 2013 12:11
To: graphitone 25 of 46
That's what vacations are for isn't it?
From: graphitone21 Nov 2013 13:07
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 26 of 46
I have no idea what a vacation is. Probably some kind of crazy French tennis.

I see you have been on holiday recently and you kissed a dolphin. You realise that they swim around in their own wee? I'd refuse to kiss anything that hasn't yet invented it's own sanitation system.