From: Kriv24 Jun 2007 22:06
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 12 of 28
Forza Motorsport 1?
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)25 Jun 2007 00:19
To: Kriv 13 of 28

Never played either?


Is one a PC game?


Can most people locate it and play it?


If yes then why not?



From: Manthorp25 Jun 2007 07:30
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 14 of 28
How about we book a chatroom and all touch ourselves?
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)25 Jun 2007 09:11
To: Manthorp 15 of 28
Ohhhhhh <Shivers>

"You Dirty Old Man!"
From: spinning_plates27 Jun 2007 19:58
To: Woggy 16 of 28

I second Defcon.


Also the usual FPS - I would play CS:S, HL2-DM, UT (any version), DOD:S, STALKER (if we could get it to work) and a bunch of other similar things.


If other people happen to have Project Gotham Racing 3 and an XBox360 I'd play that.


Otherwise there are a myriad of other titles I would play, but it's all a question of what other people have. Ah, another fun FPS is Aliens vs Predator (2).

From: koswix29 Jul 2007 19:41
To: ALL17 of 28

How come Fozza gets away with making posts of nowt but giant images, but trig got stuck in the sanatorium for it?


Or is Fozza actualy trig?

From: JonCooper29 Jul 2007 19:47
To: koswix 18 of 28
I'd suggest ~

a~ Fozza's post had a point to it
b~ Fozza didn't do it repeatedly
c~ Fozza would stop if asked (though he already did)
From: koswix29 Jul 2007 20:11
To: JonCooper 19 of 28

I'd reply ~


a~ As did many of trig's ,and equally a link or text would have done the same job as the image
b~ I've seen loads of posts with big images in them from Fozza
c~ He's already been asked or already stopped?


I'm not trying to get at Fozza, I couldn't really care less about the images. I'm just remarking on the seeming double standards.


Talking of which - I'm pretty sure you edited a post the other day to remove a link to a torrent, but no one's mentioned Fozza's post up there <points> with direct links to pirated files.

From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)29 Jul 2007 20:24
To: koswix 20 of 28
Talking of which - I'm pretty sure you edited a post the other day to remove a link to a torrent, but no one's mentioned Fozza's post up there <points> with direct links to pirated files.

The Game was abandonware so therefore not pirated.
I may have advocated finding jim lad versions of stuff for games nite, which I grant you was naughty, but I did say to get rid after games nite or buy the game.

The big images thing tbh Had no idea it was a bone of contention .
I never read much of what Trig wrote and ignored all the disccussions surrounding what to do about him. I just thought he was mainly argumentative for the shake of it and always trying to push people for a reaction so I ignored him.

I am of course more than happy to resize images but in the modern days of fast pipe broadband I normally just copy the urls and stick em in, and think no more about it.
If it is more polite I will take the extra 10secs and resize it.
(although don't we have an automatic resizer now as standard in Beehive?)

I do think having the images in the post rather than a link is better though. (Mainly cos it adds a bit of colour and I'm personally too lazy to click on the links)

Same applys to Youtube stuff, I'd rather it was embedded in the post than having to go to youtube for it.
Also it allows you to maintain the flow of the thread, look at the recent favourite kids tv thread.

Would have been much less interesting if you had to keep following links to you tube come back move down the page follow the link etc etc.

Of course the other reason I might have got away with all the misdomeanors you listed above is because unlike Trig I'm not a Twat..
:D - This of course is just my opinion........
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)29 Jul 2007 20:32
To: Manthorp 21 of 28

Isn't that what we all do here???



From: koswix29 Jul 2007 20:53
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 22 of 28



Yeah, like I said I'm not getting at you, I personally couldn't give a shit about the size of images in a thread, or pirate software or whatever. Didn't know Airfix was abandonware, though.


I'm more amused by the way it seems that people complained about things trig did because they were done by trig, rather than because the things themselves were actually annoying.


I dunno. I'm just blathering, really.


Stella? Don't mind if I do.

From: dyl10 Aug 2007 11:34
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 23 of 28

My only contention about the images thing is that it's annoying getting a horizontal scroll bar from huge images so I have to scroll left & right to read the post itself.


Airfix Dogfighter - I still want to play sometime. I've done most of the single player missions and want to kill some real people now!

EDITED: 10 Aug 2007 11:35 by DYL
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)10 Aug 2007 12:17
To: ALL24 of 28
Starcraft? Anyone?

I'm not a good player (at ALL), but... it's Starcraft !!! therefore it's awesome. And I got all nostalgic and sh!t a couple of days back (after looking at Starcraft II for ages) and I bought SC and Brood Wars for £7.something (cheer) .
EDITED: 10 Aug 2007 12:18 by NUKKLEAR
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Aug 2007 12:32
To: dyl 25 of 28
My only contention about the images thing is that it's annoying getting a horizontal scroll bar from huge images so I have to scroll left & right to read the post itself.

Beehive now supports auto-shrinking images to prevent horozontal scrollbars.
From: dyl10 Aug 2007 14:10
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 26 of 28
Hmm, odd. I'm sure that a few hours ago, I was getting a horizontal scrollbar on post number 1 in this thread due to the Half Life image.
From: ANT_THOMAS10 Aug 2007 17:24
To: dyl 27 of 28
The page may not have fully loaded? Possibly. The image resizer kicks in when the page has loaded. You may have noticed it for the split second before it resized them. Just a thought.
From: dyl10 Aug 2007 17:55
To: ANT_THOMAS 28 of 28
That's entirely plausible.