From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)27 Jun 2007 18:52
To: ALL36 of 44

I agree that we need a bit of CS:S in the mix .
(Thinking DOD:S too)


However the idea is to play some random stuff and maybe some old stuff too, so it doesn't turn into a FPS fest.


Other suggestions?

From: steve27 Jun 2007 20:08
To: Woggy 37 of 44
Aye I love gungame! Would be fun played on proper maps, sometimes you can only find it on daft customs :(
From: Woggy27 Jun 2007 21:00
To: steve 38 of 44
aye some of the maps are wierd, the mario one is odd.
From: spinning_plates27 Jun 2007 21:57
To: steve 39 of 44
Indeed. Some of the maps are ace while others suck - all the more reason to have our own server with our own rules. 5 kills to advance, deathmatch and turbo being the most important IMO (5 means that you actually have to learn the weapons as opposed to just getting a lucky scout shot and moving on).
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)28 Jun 2007 10:50
To: spinning_plates 40 of 44
Ohh, that's what it's called :D I kept playing that on public servers (I only ever play on public servers really) and I *really* enjoyed it. I managed to win a few times as well :')
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)28 Jun 2007 10:52
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 41 of 44
Some sort of Civ? Red Alert 2? :D
From: spinning_plates28 Jun 2007 19:18
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 42 of 44
Yes, it's bloody brilliant, but would be more fun with people you actually know. I have always played on public servers too, but have occasionally played on them with friends (i.e. the other day Woggy, myself, Roburky and my cousin all piled on a server).
From: funky (ISA) 5 Jul 2007 15:08
To: ALL43 of 44

I'm interested. I can't guarantee anything until I know times. Weekends would be better for me as a non-UK person, but I also have times during the week that would coincide with your evenings.


The bonus is: I suck at every game except isketch, so I can be helpful in making others feel good that they have won something.

From: ANT_THOMAS 6 Jul 2007 01:28
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 44 of 44
I'll play RA2!!!!!