Teh lite without the styling

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Jun 2007 23:45
To: ALL1 of 7
Is there a way I can view this place on my mobile without the styling bits (CSS is it?). It slows down my mobile a bit unless I press cancel before it grabs the other bits and just shows a plain version instead.
From: Dave!! 8 Jun 2007 23:52
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 of 7
There's a lite version for phones etc. You need http://www.tehforum.co.uk/forum/llogon.php to get directly at it.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 Jun 2007 00:59
To: Dave!! 3 of 7

I do use that lite version which is fine on my old (new) mobile but this one takes a second to format the page. It downloads the text, shows all that but still looks like it's downloading something. When it's complete it redraws the page with all the colours and formatting and stuff applied making it look nice but annoys me.


If I press cancel when the text is all showing it'll just show the text on a plain white background instead. I dunno if I'm just cancelling the phone formatting it or whatever.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Jun 2007 09:23
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 4 of 7
What browser are you using - there should be a way to disable CSS. I think Opera Mini allowed you to do that, but not sure about Minimo. Don't think IE does, unless you were to use a proxy that stripped it out for you.

Although it probably also wouldn't be that difficult to do a super-light mode that stripped out all styles and non-critical HTML.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 Jun 2007 13:49
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 7

I'm using the browser that comes with my Nokia 6630 which is pretty basic. It does have a handy feature to save pages for later viewing which I find pretty handy.


I might give Opera or something else a try though.

From: Dave!! 9 Jun 2007 20:15
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 6 of 7
A hearty recommendation for Opera Mini from me. It's very, very good.
From: paul10 Jun 2007 07:17
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 of 7
Yes, definitely try Opera Mini, you won't regret it.