Teh Map !

From: JonCooper 2 Jun 2007 13:59
To: ian 28 of 32
I just checked Google to see what's new and find they must have taken the pics very early in the morning, the shadows are VERY long (just after sunrise I'd think) and you can see less now than in the older ones
From: ian 2 Jun 2007 14:06
To: JonCooper 29 of 32
That's unfortunate. The ones of here are on a lovely sunny day. Not sure what time but it must be somewhere between 9 and 5 'cause there are no cars on the drive.
From: Mouse 2 Jun 2007 19:45
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 30 of 32
Google Flikr thing is http://picasaweb.google.com/home
From: Rich (RICARD00) 2 Jun 2007 21:04
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 31 of 32

After work is the most likely for me depending upon what time that is for you.


What time do you finish?

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 2 Jun 2007 21:05
To: Rich (RICARD00) 32 of 32
mm... 'bout 5, there's no reason I should be any later than that :)