Teh Map !

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)31 May 2007 14:03
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 2 of 32
I'd like that :D
From: MrTrent31 May 2007 14:07
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 3 of 32
Nice idea.
From: Matt31 May 2007 14:16
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 4 of 32

Been done before, at least twice. Once by Steve (Guntrip) if I remember correctly and then maybe Mikee although it might have been Quigabyte (Mike, Mikee, ...) with a Google Map thing or whatever it was.


Sad truth is people stop updating it or have no need to update it once they've stuck their pin on it and because it's doesn't fall in with regular Forum activity it gets left behind and forgotten. A bit like Teh Bestiary has and Kenny's Forum Project (which this folder was created for) and Teh Clan and many other things.


If you want to do it, go ahead, but don't be surprised if it simply becomes forgotten about in 3 months time.

EDITED: 31 May 2007 14:18 by MATT
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)31 May 2007 14:28
To: Matt 5 of 32

Wow you big old cynic you!


How about we also put this one on the front page with the gallery
that way nobody forgets about it and everybody can see the growth in Forumite numbers as they go up.


Depending upon how clever you can get you could link the random picture with their pin in the Map.


e.g Fozza and he lives ...here!


Sort of thing.

From: MrTrent31 May 2007 14:31
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 6 of 32
Not quite sure i like that idea. I wouldn't be entirely comfortable with a random being able to waltz in and see where my house is.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)31 May 2007 14:37
To: MrTrent 7 of 32

Hummmm Depends on how specific you make it really


Street level?
House Number?


City Only is what I was thinking, or at the most specific us Londoners
would put which burb we are in.


That would do

From: Woggy31 May 2007 14:40
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 8 of 32
That would be cool if it was part of the start page, but I bet it's be impossible to do or a right bastard at most. Does no on else have the skills rather than keep expecting matt to do stuff?
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)31 May 2007 15:26
To: milko 9 of 32
Does no on else have the skills rather than keep expecting matt to do stuff?


Now I know you Know about doing Maps :D
From: MrTrent31 May 2007 15:34
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 10 of 32
Aye, city only would be fine.
From: milko31 May 2007 15:37
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 11 of 32
I can draw a map but I know fuckall about PHP and google maps and all that stuff. And more importantly, have bugger all time anyway!
From: paul31 May 2007 15:40
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 12 of 32

With 1371 members it could get pretty messy.


Though, in reality, you'd probably only get a few dozen doing it.

From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)31 May 2007 15:43
To: paul 13 of 32

Bullshit we have that many members!


We have less than 100 who regularly post.


How many of the 1371 are just Trig !? :D

From: MrTrent31 May 2007 15:47
To: paul 14 of 32
At least 50% of that number will be people who came in to ask a BeeHive question and that's it. A fair few will be joke accounts made when people are bored and wanted the "newest member is..." bit to say something funny. I know i've been guilty of that sort of malarky myself a couple of times.

I reckon up to 1000 of that 1371 accounts could be safely deleted and nobody would notice.

Might free up a bit of space, an' all.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)31 May 2007 15:53
To: ALL15 of 32
Ok so Milko has found this

Is this what we need?
From: Rowan31 May 2007 16:12
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 16 of 32
Yes. And someone with some free time (not me).
From: Rich (RICARD00)31 May 2007 18:47
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 17 of 32
I'm in London on Tuesday, want a coffee?
From: JonCooper31 May 2007 19:21
To: ALL18 of 32
I wonder if it's possible to use this somehow ?

since it already has the whole world, can easily add 'push-pins' anywhere, and is often better resolution than Google
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 1 Jun 2007 14:51
To: Rich (RICARD00) 19 of 32
Definitely - whereabouts are you hanging around? I'm working literally opposite Blackfriars, so it'd have to be either lunchtime or after work.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2 Jun 2007 02:21
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 20 of 32
I might be up for doing this, if Matt gives it the nod for the start page or something. Remind me.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 2 Jun 2007 08:14
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 21 of 32



Matt I believe is happy to allow it on the start page.
Is it possible to link the gallery pictures to
that persons position on the map?


That would be reallly cool.