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From: MrTrent 3 May 2007 00:32
To: ALL1 of 3
I know it's been like that for ages, but why do we need our own name emboldened? I know who i am. It's not as if i'd look at a list saying, for example "Milko, Dave!!, MrTrent" and wonder "shit, which one was I?" I'm not that much of a 'tard.
EDITED: 3 May 2007 00:33 by MRTRENT
From: Matt 3 May 2007 00:46
To: MrTrent 2 of 3
If you're clever enough to realise who you are then it's more than evident that the emboldened text isn't intended for the types of you isn't it?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 May 2007 11:14
To: Matt 3 of 3
I like your expression "the types of you" and will use it.