no one to vote for

From: koswix30 Apr 2007 16:05
To: funky (ISA) 55 of 58
I'm sure that'd make more sense if I knew who Gloria Steinem was :s
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)30 Apr 2007 16:06
To: spinning_plates 56 of 58

I don't believe conditioning is ever positive when looking at the big picture. Sure, you can isolate small instances of positively-conditioned responses but they exist within a larger fucked-up framework (say, charity) and are rarely free of harm.


I hope people will behave unselfishly, for the most part, without conditioning. I'm not certain of it, but I'm willing to gamble, like. And yes, I'm certain we can rid ourselves of the concept. It's only necessitated by unnecessary and damaging structures.

Message 32303.57 was deleted
From: funky (ISA)30 Apr 2007 16:41
To: koswix 58 of 58

She was very popular in the 70's as a feminist writer and activist for women's rights.