no one to vote for

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)28 Apr 2007 12:10
To: koswix 50 of 58
W3rd to that.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)30 Apr 2007 10:00
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 51 of 58
Your aim is reconditioning. You want people to think what you think, not what they want to think. Admit it: you're a fascist.
EDITED: 30 Apr 2007 10:00 by RENDLE
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)30 Apr 2007 11:22

No, my aim is a lack of conditioning in the <i>hope</i> they'll behave how I hope they'll behave. But so long as they behave how they want to behave when free from conditioning, then I'm happy. I acknowledge my expectations might be wrong.


If fascism is simply an ideology that maintains itself through conditioning and perhaps force (which seems to be what you're implying) then western capitalism is fascism. But of course, it's not, you're being disingenuous.


Fascism is authoritarianism characterised by an interest in nationalism and some form of racial or cultural protectionism contextualised via some sort of imagined ideal form. I don't have any of that, I'm absolutely anti-nationalistic.


So I'm just (as a step along the path) not averse to (explicit) authoritarianism.

From: spinning_plates30 Apr 2007 15:25
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 53 of 58
No, my aim is a lack of conditioning in the hope they'll behave how I hope they'll behave.

How do you expect people to behave when free of conditioning? Whilst conditioning can be applied for negative ends, it can also, potentially have benefits in certain areas - are you genuinely certain we can rid ourselves of the concept?
From: funky (ISA)30 Apr 2007 15:56
To: koswix 54 of 58

I was talking this way the other day, (well, I was also mentioning about racism and rap music, and I referred to Bell Hooks who is also a feminist by chance) and someone called me, "Gloria Steinem with brain damage." To me, that was a sexist remark...not to mention mean. (He wouldn't have said it if I was a man.)


So, in keeping with this other guy's two are like Gloria Steinem with brain damage!


It's only rational.





From: koswix30 Apr 2007 16:05
To: funky (ISA) 55 of 58
I'm sure that'd make more sense if I knew who Gloria Steinem was :s
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)30 Apr 2007 16:06
To: spinning_plates 56 of 58

I don't believe conditioning is ever positive when looking at the big picture. Sure, you can isolate small instances of positively-conditioned responses but they exist within a larger fucked-up framework (say, charity) and are rarely free of harm.


I hope people will behave unselfishly, for the most part, without conditioning. I'm not certain of it, but I'm willing to gamble, like. And yes, I'm certain we can rid ourselves of the concept. It's only necessitated by unnecessary and damaging structures.

Message 32303.57 was deleted
From: funky (ISA)30 Apr 2007 16:41
To: koswix 58 of 58

She was very popular in the 70's as a feminist writer and activist for women's rights.