Northern Possie Spring Meat

From: Rich (RICARD00) 5 May 2007 11:07
To: Manthorp 72 of 153
From: Mouse 5 May 2007 12:26
To: koswix 73 of 153

Depdnds if your name is Dyl, we are in the love Apple and you order a Hoegaarden.


(No, beer is generally cheaply cheap.)

From: koswix 5 May 2007 13:37
To: Mouse 74 of 153

Right, just booking tickets and stuff.


If I book london to bradford it'll cost about £45. If I book London to Leeds and buy walk-up tickets for Leeds-Bradford for £1.60, the total cost is about £24!


But to get the cheap tickets to Leeds I need to choose one of the following options:


Option 1: Get the 10:53 train from Leeds back to London. THis means getting to Leeds for, like 10:30, so leaving bradford at about 10.


This doesn't sound terribly compatable with potential hangover situation.


Option 2: Get the 16:40 train from Leeds to London. THis involves having a 'spare' day in Bradford, but as I want to go see the photo-whatsit museum and stuff that isn't bad thing. Unless it's closed on Sundays.


Option 2 seems more sensible, but will cost a bit more in train tickets and stuff.


I don't like making decisions! :'(


If others are planning to get back to stations early and stuff then I'll probably try and go for the same. If not, then I'll book the later and fill my day as I see fit!

From: Manthorp 5 May 2007 14:24
To: koswix 75 of 153
Bear in mind you'll be returning from Steeton & Silsden (five mins walk from my gaff). The Sunday service may help you make up your mind.
From: koswix 5 May 2007 14:47
To: Manthorp 76 of 153
Goof point, I always forget that the only reliable thing about public transport on a Sunday is that it'll be shit.
From: william (WILLIAMA) 5 May 2007 15:15
To: koswix 77 of 153
I recall buying my first ever pint in London and nearly passing out from shock because it was 35p. I simply couldn't believe how anybody could justify charging that huge amount. A pint in my local pub just down the road in Newbury was 14p then.

From: Manthorp 5 May 2007 16:16
To: koswix 78 of 153
You calling me a goof?
From: koswix 5 May 2007 17:00
To: Manthorp 79 of 153

Yes, yes I am.


I blame staying in bed all day and typing on a laptop. Yes, I'm still in bed.



From: Manthorp 5 May 2007 17:59
To: koswix 80 of 153
You lazy scotch fop.
From: milko 8 May 2007 11:06
To: william (WILLIAMA) 81 of 153
I don't generally pay £3.50 a pint in London, I feel obliged to point out. It's generally more expensive than elsewhere, but that sounds like fancy-posey-bar-prices. Or fancy posey Hoegaarden type beer maybe.
From: william (WILLIAMA) 8 May 2007 13:20
To: milko 82 of 153
That particular 35p was for some lager or other, upstairs in the Cambridge in Charing Cross Road.

There was some artistic license (lying) in that post. My first pint in London was in the Raynes Park, in - er - Raynes Park. 29p for an appalling pint of Watney's served from an electric pump.
From: af (CAER)10 May 2007 15:58
To: ALL83 of 153



Hmmm I say.


Since it's on a Saturday, I may perchance be able to remain longer than previously anticipated since I won't be having to get up for work at 6.15 the next morning.

From: Dave!!10 May 2007 18:41
To: ALL84 of 153
I can arrive whenever, but may be heading off at 8ish or so. Bradford isn't the most train-friendly place for me :(
From: Mouse10 May 2007 20:50
To: Dave!! 85 of 153
Eh? It's only 20 minutes on the train from Leeds init?
From: Dave!!10 May 2007 23:13
To: Mouse 86 of 153

Yeah. But that means at least 2 hours plus a minimum of one changeover whereas I can get to York in 30 minutes and Leeds in just over an hour. Both direct too. For the going home bit, this means leaving by 8ish or I'm stuck on a platform in Leeds for the night. Well it's either that or the dog basket :)


I'm still coming along one way or the other though!

EDITED: 10 May 2007 23:14 by DAVE!!
From: Manthorp11 May 2007 07:07
To: Dave!! 87 of 153
You're always welcome to a place in he dog basket. Incidentally, Re. Bradford-Leeds, bear in mind that there are two Bradford stations, both walkable from where we're boozing, both serving Leeds. Bradford Interchange and Bradford Forster Square. I don't know off the top of my head which offers the later last service.
From: Dave!!11 May 2007 09:06
To: Manthorp 88 of 153

The interchange seems to be the best option for trains. It also looks to be marginally closer to Centenary square as well.


Assuming trains are on time, I'll probably be there for about quarter to one.

From: Manthorp11 May 2007 10:25
To: Dave!! 89 of 153
From: Manthorp13 May 2007 23:14
To: ALL90 of 153
OK, it's time for a tot-up: the dog wants to know how many of you she's 'accommodating' on the 19th.

Pls can we have a recount?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 May 2007 23:25
To: Manthorp 91 of 153