Northern Possie Spring Meat

From: Mazz016 Apr 2007 20:59
To: Dazz 25 of 153
Ooh, York is a very long way :(
EDITED: 16 Apr 2007 21:01 by MAZZ0
Message 32221.26 was deleted
From: Mazz016 Apr 2007 21:13
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 27 of 153

I promise to keep my pants on!

Unless you don't want me to.

Actualy, my underpants have a hole in them :( I want new ones, but I can't be bothered. And these ones are so comfy.... Actualy, I don't want new ones.
Message 32221.28 was deleted
From: Mazz016 Apr 2007 21:30
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 29 of 153
Wow, I look cool in that photo, even with the short hair! I have no idea whos jumper I'm wearing though...
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Apr 2007 00:04
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 30 of 153
It's Dan's arm which I'm worried about!
Message 32221.31 was deleted
From: Manthorp21 Apr 2007 16:35
To: ALL32 of 153
What do teh possie think about rearranging the Northern meat to 19 May?

Mouse has announced that he is opening a new music emporium in this thread HERE. and there are a number of people up for meating and maybe having a curry ect ect.

Would changing the dates mean that anybody couldn't make it?
From: Manthorp22 Apr 2007 05:56
To: Manthorp 33 of 153
<bounce> Well? </bounce>
From: Dave!!22 Apr 2007 08:37
To: Manthorp 34 of 153
I'm cool with that!
From: Manthorp22 Apr 2007 11:59
To: Dave!! 35 of 153
Thank you for noticing that i exist...
From: Rich (RICARD00)22 Apr 2007 17:44
To: Manthorp 36 of 153

Should be okay with me!



From: Rich22 Apr 2007 18:35
To: Manthorp 37 of 153
Blimey, that's some consolidation madskills. I'll meat (sic) you there.
From: koswix22 Apr 2007 20:19
To: Manthorp 38 of 153
From: Manthorp22 Apr 2007 21:12
To: koswix 39 of 153
Pretty damn rarrr all round then.
From: DSLPete (THE_TGG)23 Apr 2007 17:51
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 40 of 153
I'll never forgive you for that
Message 32221.41 was deleted
From: DSLPete (THE_TGG)23 Apr 2007 21:10
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 42 of 153
I actively nurture the chemistry between mazzo and myself.
From: Dazz24 Apr 2007 03:42
To: DSLPete (THE_TGG) 43 of 153

I've no idea who anyone in that picture is except Mikee who might have wanted to accept the fact that the goth pose didn't work from every angle. If I didn't know better (and I don't) I'd say he was waiting for the filming to finish so he could spit out the spunk, take his money and go buy another depressing album to self-harm to.


But that was then.


Mikee - how are you these days?

From: dyl26 Apr 2007 09:30
To: Manthorp 44 of 153
I'm not coming on the 5th. I am coming on the 19th.