Northern Possie Spring Meat

From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)11 Apr 2007 10:09
To: milko 13 of 153





She obviously missed you! So much for a night of solo play on the Wii!

From: Mouse11 Apr 2007 10:39
To: Manthorp 14 of 153
I shall be limbering up for soapboxing on the 26th, so the 5th is good for me.
From: Dave!!11 Apr 2007 13:08
To: Manthorp 15 of 153
I'm up for it. York is easier to get to for me and I can stay a fair bit later than I did at Leeds due to the times of the last train. Either of those dates is fine for me.
From: Mouse11 Apr 2007 14:23
To: ALL16 of 153
Can we go to the shop with the massive broadswords this time?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Apr 2007 18:10
To: Manthorp 17 of 153
Hrm - I might just be able to make it, depending on how my other scheduled craziness pans out. My liver might have just about recovered from the ATP Festival, and my wallet might have as well. Would the dog basket be available?

Actually, I've just remembered, that's the weekend of my Star-Wars obsessed mate's 30 years of Star Wars/1 year of marriage anniversary party, and I'd be in trouble if I missed that.
EDITED: 11 Apr 2007 18:12 by WINGNUTKJ
From: Manthorp11 Apr 2007 18:13
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 18 of 153
Poo :{) :[
From: koswix11 Apr 2007 19:31
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 19 of 153
Which weekend?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Apr 2007 20:57
To: koswix 20 of 153
The first one, I think.
From: Rich (RICARD00)13 Apr 2007 01:46
To: Manthorp 21 of 153
I can't make either of those dates I'm afraid.
From: Manthorp13 Apr 2007 09:12
To: Rich (RICARD00) 22 of 153
Poo head.
From: Dazz16 Apr 2007 18:02
To: Mazz0 23 of 153
How are you fixed?
Message 32221.24 was deleted
From: Mazz016 Apr 2007 20:59
To: Dazz 25 of 153
Ooh, York is a very long way :(
EDITED: 16 Apr 2007 21:01 by MAZZ0
Message 32221.26 was deleted
From: Mazz016 Apr 2007 21:13
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 27 of 153

I promise to keep my pants on!

Unless you don't want me to.

Actualy, my underpants have a hole in them :( I want new ones, but I can't be bothered. And these ones are so comfy.... Actualy, I don't want new ones.
Message 32221.28 was deleted
From: Mazz016 Apr 2007 21:30
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 29 of 153
Wow, I look cool in that photo, even with the short hair! I have no idea whos jumper I'm wearing though...
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Apr 2007 00:04
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 30 of 153
It's Dan's arm which I'm worried about!
Message 32221.31 was deleted
From: Manthorp21 Apr 2007 16:35
To: ALL32 of 153
What do teh possie think about rearranging the Northern meat to 19 May?

Mouse has announced that he is opening a new music emporium in this thread HERE. and there are a number of people up for meating and maybe having a curry ect ect.

Would changing the dates mean that anybody couldn't make it?