hidden forum

From: cynicoid18 Mar 2007 18:21
To: ALL1 of 19

Strange one this. After I've logged into the forum the threads on the right of the screen are hidden behind the 'random person' page, the thread list on the left appears as normal.


Only way to read the threads is to drag the window across to the right to reveal the contents underneath, took me a week to figure it out - wondering why new topics were being started but no mention of this problem.


Guessing then that it's a problem at my end and not for other peeps? Any fix?

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Mar 2007 18:31
To: cynicoid 2 of 19
What option have you got set for My Controls>Forum Options>Style>Start Page?

And what browser you using?
From: Matt18 Mar 2007 18:38
To: cynicoid 3 of 19
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you on about the start frame set (this one) or something else?
From: JonCooper18 Mar 2007 20:11
To: cynicoid 4 of 19
have you clicked a setting for all links open in a new tab or window ?
(would this matter with beehive ?)
From: william (WILLIAMA)19 Mar 2007 00:50
To: cynicoid 5 of 19
OOH! I got that as well - I think.

Logon as normal, random person to the right, select a thread from the recent threads, then the left hand pane changes to the full thread list by folder as though the topic is about to appear to the right - but it doesn't. You get another random person instead.

Sometimes I just got a blank right hand pane.

Cleared my browser cache and rebooted and it went away. No idea if that was a cure or a coincidence.
From: cynicoid20 Mar 2007 06:19
To: ALL6 of 19

What Williama said, although explained better than me.


C'ept I've cleared my cache and rebooted and still have the problem. I've not changed any settings at all, ever.


Using XP and IE7, java applets and active scripting both disabled, makes no difference though. Not so much of a problem now I know how to get around it ie. drag the window out of the way.

From: william (WILLIAMA)30 Mar 2007 23:30
To: cynicoid 7 of 19
How odd.

Happened again today. I clicked on "general" to find a thread which I'd read all of before and so was hidden and there it was - nothing - except a gallery picture where the text should be.

So I remembered what you'd said about dragging the pane to one side and blow me down, there it was, tucked underneath like a little baby snuggled under a quilt.

Also a load of other text about images being resized, I took a screen print and then, as is the way with the wonderful web, I forgot to save it.

Never mind.

From: cynicoid31 Mar 2007 19:41
To: william (WILLIAMA) 8 of 19
Never gone away for me, got used to dragging the window across now.
From: funky (ISA) 1 Apr 2007 14:41
To: Matt 9 of 19

I'm getting the same thing. If I try to press a thread link from the start page, it seems like something is happening, but then the thread doesn't end up on the right side, it remains on whatever gallery picture was there to begin with. I have to press the "messages" tab -- just can't get in via the left side thread links.


Does that make more sense?

From: cynicoid 1 Apr 2007 16:13
To: funky (ISA) 10 of 19

That's the exact problem.


I haven't tried the 'pressing messages tab' thing, maybe next time I log in.


On the start page (threads on left gallery pic on right) click and hold the dividing line between the two and drag the gallery pic out of the way, the subjects are underneath the gallery window, as if you were re-sizing the different panes.

From: Matt 1 Apr 2007 17:44
To: cynicoid 11 of 19

Can you do a screen shot of the before and after of you clicking the line and having to drag the frame please.


Also, can you check to see it works any differently if you start off at http://www.tehforum.co.uk/forum/start.php?webtag=DEFAULT (so you have no navigation (start | messages | etc) and no top frame.

From: funky (ISA) 1 Apr 2007 19:00
To: Matt 12 of 19
I did it and it changed what was happening in this window (which freaked me out a tiny bit), but not in the window that came up in the link. Nothing happened in there.
From: william (WILLIAMA) 9 Apr 2007 11:06
To: Matt 13 of 19
OK, I can make it happen consistently now by  selecting start reading.

"one" is where I have done this, expanded the general folder and then clicked on the something new thread.

"two" is where I've begun to drag the right-hand pane aside to reveal what lies below the surface of my TFT screen (I suppose).

"three" I've started to scroll down.

"four" I've arrived at the thread I was after.

I haven't tried your linky yet - will do so in a minute.
EDITED: 18 Apr 2007 18:41 by WILLIAMA
From: william (WILLIAMA) 9 Apr 2007 11:09
To: william (WILLIAMA) 14 of 19
Poo - I thought the names (one/two etc.) would be in the pop-up text. You'll have to check the attachment properties if it's not obvious.
From: william (WILLIAMA) 9 Apr 2007 11:14
To: Matt 15 of 19


does the same thing.

Also Firefox, but without the funky scribble in images two and three above - i.e. dragging the pane uncovers the requested thread straight away.
EDITED: 9 Apr 2007 12:00 by WILLIAMA
From: Matt 9 Apr 2007 17:52
To: william (WILLIAMA) 16 of 19

Okay, I have no idea why that is happening and I can't get it to happen here, I always get the main frameset reloading.


None the less I have fiddled a little bit, if you'd be so kind as to try again.

From: william (WILLIAMA) 9 Apr 2007 20:29
To: Matt 17 of 19
You have fiddled productively.

All seems to be well now. Thank you very much indeed for your efforts.
From: cynicoid10 Apr 2007 00:35
To: Matt 18 of 19
Yep, all fixed for me as well. Don't know what you did but its worked.
From: william (WILLIAMA)10 Apr 2007 09:05
To: cynicoid 19 of 19
He's good isn't he!