Greece Lightnin'

From: Matt27 Jan 2007 01:20
To: ALL1 of 5
Don't know how accurate this information is but apparently our server is located in Greece. And there was me thinking it was in the Netherlands.

Funny the things you find out.
From: JonCooper27 Jan 2007 01:51
To: Matt 2 of 5
I remember finding that out when Trig was moaning, along the lines of "who owns teh? where is teh?"

I don't remember if I bothered telling him though

edit, seems I did here
EDITED: 27 Jan 2007 01:55 by JONCOOPER
From: Matt27 Jan 2007 14:02
To: JonCooper 3 of 5

So you did.


As least I now know why I get lag quite a bit of lag accessing the server remotely.

From: Voltane27 Jan 2007 14:23
To: Matt 4 of 5
As least I now know why I get lag quite a bit of lag

I don't know about Greece Lightnin' but have you been at the White Lightening? :D
From: Matt27 Jan 2007 14:56
To: Voltane 5 of 5
There was probably supposed to be a comma there somewhere. I blame not getting out of bed until 12pm.