Teh Forum Awards 2007 - Award categories

From: Manthorp14 Sep 2009 16:31
To: graphitone 103 of 119
I live in a state of almost constant excitation. I fear for my poor heart.
From: graphitone15 Sep 2009 17:26
To: Manthorp 104 of 119

Wouldn't your heightened state of excitedness eventually seem like the norm? Then something hugely exciting would be required to get you all hepped up again... to top the already excited state you'd normally be used to.


Letssee, what could possibly tip you over the edge of mediocre excitedness into the world of uber-excitedness?


Julian Clary concert tickets?

From: Manthorp15 Sep 2009 18:17
To: graphitone 105 of 119
I've learned to conquer excitation normalisation through breathing exercises. It's steady-state pretty-damn-excitedness.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)15 Sep 2009 19:12
To: Manthorp 106 of 119
Julian Clary likes boys like you.
From: graphitone16 Sep 2009 10:58
To: Manthorp 107 of 119

Maybe that's where Fred Hoyle went wrong - he thought he was describing the universe, when he was really studying your excited-ness state.



From: Manthorp24 Jan 2017 15:24
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 108 of 119
I have to say I'm getting really excited about these.  The announcement of winners must be coming up soon.  I reckon LaLaLand might do well.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Jan 2017 16:11
To: Manthorp 109 of 119
10-years in the making! Yeah, some heavy thought must have gone into this.
From: Dave!!24 Jan 2017 16:26
To: Manthorp 110 of 119
Aye there's going to be some crackers I reckon!

Can't wait then for the 2008 awards! I think they're due out in 2024...
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jan 2017 23:47
To: Manthorp 111 of 119
Give the poor sod a chance, he's only had 9 days, 10 years and 42 minutes.

It's like they say in those Guinness and Heinz adverts. and you know what KJ's like - such a lightweight it only takes the slightest whiff of ketchup to have him squirming on the floor hallucinating about how Diego the chippie is a woman and flirting with him.

From: graphitone26 Jan 2017 12:14
To: Manthorp 112 of 119
I think Kenny's been leading us down the garden path with this one.

I've reread the thread and around post 41-ish, he says that he's given all the awards to himself.

He's been stringing us along with false promises of a 2007 award ceremony while no doubt drinking Skol with abandon from all his nefariously ill gotten trophies, laughing at us all.

I say we hire a lynch mob and send them round to his flat.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)26 Jan 2017 15:39
To: graphitone 113 of 119
Let him keep those cheap, electro-plated plastic trophies. He can tell his mom they mean something.

 :-((  :-((  :-((
From: Manthorp26 Jan 2017 16:08
To: ALL114 of 119
I bet he's hoarding Dragon points to buy himself a blow-up sex creature.
From: graphitone27 Jan 2017 09:16
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 115 of 119
Those trophies represent deceit, lies and obfuscation.

And probably spite.

His mother would be ashamed.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)27 Jan 2017 11:37
To: ALL116 of 119
It's idiots like you who got Trump elected.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)27 Jan 2017 15:40
To: graphitone 118 of 119
I'm sure she has no idea what he gets up to in her basement.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)27 Jan 2017 15:46
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 119 of 119