Teh Annual Forum Awards

From: Dave!!12 Jan 2007 09:39
To: -Daz- 29 of 52
I second this award. :Y
From: spinning_plates12 Jan 2007 16:20

Ah goodo.


I was debating last night changing my sig to something along the lines of


"Jesus loves you all, unless you're a [insert long string of various slurs here]"


But I couldn't think of enough different slurs to make it interesting. That and I didn't particularly fancy having it in every post.

From: spinning_plates12 Jan 2007 16:36
To: spinning_plates 31 of 52
Ah, thanks to Greg, I think I found the perfect expression...

"God loves everyone" and "Jesus died for everyone" ... if ... you are hearing these lies, then your church doesn't teach what the Bible teaches. If you care about your never-dying soul, you will carefully read every word of this web site, along with the entire Bible.

WBC engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, FAG TROOPS, GOD BLEW UP THE TROOPS, GOD HATES AMERICA, AMERICA IS DOOMED, THE WORLD IS DOOMED, etc.

All well-known "bible words and sentiments"!

I seriously thought it was a spoof when I followed the original link, only reading the "about us" section showed me otherwise.
From: MrTrent13 Jan 2007 02:13
To: spinning_plates 32 of 52
The only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery,
Are you sure it's real? Would a real person, no matter how deranged, use a word like whoremongery?
From: spinning_plates13 Jan 2007 03:22
To: MrTrent 33 of 52
I confess ;) I haven't checked an external source! I can't say really. It could be satire.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Jan 2007 12:04
To: MrTrent 34 of 52
It's very much real (an I'm kind of surprised it's new to some of you). Search for "Pastor Fred Phelps", and you'll see that the man behind it and his sick little family are fucktards of the highest order.
From: Manthorp15 Jan 2007 09:48
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 35 of 52
I would like to propose a 'Golden Harp' or 'Cracked Platter' award for going on about the same subject ad nauseum . Obviously Trig would be a nominee for offenses under the hardware/90s/Internet's not real Act 2006, and I suspect that I might too, for my 'Iraq war is bad, mmkay?' ranting.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)15 Jan 2007 11:47
To: Manthorp 36 of 52
Also Dave!! for "shut up Trig", and me for "Dave!!, for fuck's sake let it go".
Message 31667.37 was deleted
From: Dave!!15 Jan 2007 14:46
"Dave!!, for fuck's sake let it go".

I'm glad you mentioned that seeing as plenty of people were whinging more at Trig than me at the end, yet you kept on singling me out on numerous occasions. I'd hereby like to nominate you for the "Person who whinges most at other people for whinging at other people" award. :P
From: patch15 Jan 2007 15:37
To: Dave!! 39 of 52
Surely the fact that you took the bait so often about how much whinging you did must qualify you for an award of some kind.
From: Dave!!15 Jan 2007 16:24
To: patch 40 of 52
I don't necesssarily consider it taking the bait when someone keeps calling me a fucktard repeatedly and I get slightly irked about it :S
From: Sulkpot15 Jan 2007 21:47
To: ALL41 of 52

I would like to preemptively, formally withdraw from the 'somewhat inevitable Best Sig award for best sig'.


Voting for my sig is the lazy option at a time when there have been breakthroughs in sig technology and other enduring design classics like Milko's sig to consider.


If anyone should nominate me mistakenly, I may just have to change my sig to a 33MB real-time satellite animation of the weather in Cuba or something.

From: ANT_THOMAS15 Jan 2007 22:10
To: Sulkpot 42 of 52
Doesn't work for me anymore so I wouldn't have voted you anyway.
From: Manthorp16 Jan 2007 21:12
To: MrTrent 43 of 52
You just know he's a truly terrible fuck, don't you? I bet foreplay is the devil's work too.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)16 Jan 2007 21:19
To: Manthorp 44 of 52
I thought that was the appeal...
From: andy17 Jan 2007 12:40
To: Dave!! 45 of 52
You do know that that's pretty much the dictionary definition of "taking the bait", right? You basically just said "he kept dangling this worm in front of me (that's right, John) and eventually I gave in and grabbed it".
From: dyl23 Jan 2007 05:30

"Can we have a "Person Most Likely To Say 'I Don't Find Jokes About Disabled Gay African Children Very Funny, Actually'" award, please?"


What about the"Person Least Likely To Say 'I Don't Find Jokes About Disabled Gay African Children Very Funny, Actually, But Only Because He Knows It'd Just Act As Encouragement" award?

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)23 Jan 2007 10:19
To: dyl 47 of 52
Did you have somebody in mind?
From: dyl23 Jan 2007 15:52