Teh Annual Forum Awards

From: Manthorp10 Jan 2007 18:30
To: ALL1 of 52
As Tim Rice so eloquently and movingly put it:

It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

Yet again, the Great Wheel has turned full circle, leaving the old year just a memory, even as it brings us to the dawn of another. What better time to cast our minds back and to consider the events of the year gone by: the hopes, the fears, the laughter and the tears, the kindnesses and cruelties, the tittishness of Trig.

And in considering our collective and individual achievements perhaps we can indeed 'find our place on the path unwinding' - it's a sobering and a humbling thought.

Of course, the tradition is that our Dumbo-eared mod-fascist Kenny takes the microphone for this venerable event, and I would be delighted if he is prepared to take charge again. If not, I declare myself willing to preside. After all, in my many, many years on Teh I have won every award worth winning: all that remains is the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' after which I will be obliged to have a stroke and die (though if the stroke is expert enough, what a way to go).
From: Matt10 Jan 2007 18:34
To: ALL2 of 52
<hopes to win Best Beehive Developer>

Please for the love of the gods let me win something else.
From: Manthorp10 Jan 2007 18:36
To: Matt 3 of 52
I thought you romped home with the most interfering old busybody most helpful possiemember award last year?
From: Matt10 Jan 2007 18:48
To: Manthorp 4 of 52
You made me go check.

And it seems I did :$

Still it would be nice not to win the Best Beehive Developer award. Y'know for a change n'all. Maybe someone else might want it. If they decided to contribute to the project I would gladly give them the award myself.
From: Manthorp10 Jan 2007 18:49
To: Matt 5 of 52
I am sure Kenny (or I ) will note your request. However, teh possie tends to speak for itself...
EDITED: 10 Jan 2007 18:50 by MANTHORP
From: Manthorp11 Jan 2007 10:46
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 6 of 52
Eh what?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Jan 2007 11:04
To: Manthorp 7 of 52

Whazatt!? Hrmph - fell asleep. Drool. Must have looked very good to the girl sitting opposite me.


Anyway - I suppose I should get off my arse and do something about this. Later, when I can sit down and do it uninterrupted for half an hour (rather than the 2 minute spurts I'm managing just now).

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Jan 2007 11:05
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 8 of 52

"Get off my arse" : "sit down and do something"


Conflicted? Moi?

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)11 Jan 2007 11:21
To: Matt 9 of 52
I hereby nominate myself for "Best Beehive Developer" for the Pillory feature.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)11 Jan 2007 12:08
*gives vote*
From: Dave!!11 Jan 2007 13:53
To: Matt 11 of 52
Well several of us did try to not vote for you last year and we all got Sanitoriumised for a week :'-(
EDITED: 11 Jan 2007 13:54 by DAVE!!
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Jan 2007 14:12
To: Dave!! 12 of 52
It wasn't so much that you didn't vote for Matt, it was that you voted for Borquefan. This year, I won't be persecuting anyone for voting for Rendle (because that, in itself, is persecution enough).
From: Dave!!11 Jan 2007 15:00
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 13 of 52
This year, I won't be persecuting anyone for voting for Rendle

You say that now, but how do we really know later on that you won't go "OMG No Mattage! Mod Madness! Three MONTHS of Trigification! :C :C :C "??
From: milko11 Jan 2007 15:09
To: Dave!! 14 of 52
There was no "later on"! You were told ahead of time, votes for Borquefan equal a week in the Sanatorium! And lo, it came to pass. Man, that was funny when some of you got all in a tizz about it. Maybe we can find another excuse, you might be right.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)11 Jan 2007 15:19
To: Dave!! 15 of 52

I think I blew my mod madness wad for the year by pillorying Trig, then messing with his permissions in the Sanatarium.


I might create a new (and self-aggrandizing) "most flagrant piece of mod madness" award.

From: spinning_plates11 Jan 2007 15:20
To: Manthorp 16 of 52
Oooh! Oooh! Is there a category "most overly-verbose new-person"?
From: milko11 Jan 2007 15:36
To: spinning_plates 17 of 52
There ought to be some kind of category we can put you and PB into a face-off over too.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)11 Jan 2007 16:16
To: ALL18 of 52
Can we have a "Person Most Likely To Say 'I Don't Find Jokes About Disabled Gay African Children Very Funny, Actually'" award, please?
From: Voltane11 Jan 2007 16:53
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 19 of 52
I won't be persecuting anyone for voting for Rendle


If Rendle wins I want Kenny.


Of his mod privilages. Obviously.
From: JonCooper11 Jan 2007 17:22
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 20 of 52
I might create a new (and self-aggrandizing) "most flagrant piece of mod madness" award.

I may challenge you, citing my deleting every post some guy ever made cos he wouldn't stop posting jokes when about half the forum asked him to