They suck.

From: Woggy28 Dec 2006 19:04
To: els 21 of 33
Bloody hell, we all knew about Purps at school. He tried to feel up one of my mates once at college.
EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 19:05 by WOGGY
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 19:25
To: Username 22 of 33
most of younth culture will always think of music before jesus anytime anywhere any decade past present and future

Try telling that to the people enrolled in Jesus Camp.
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 19:26
To: Username 23 of 33
Oh! Men. You said man. I thought you meant that all music had come from a single black dude in the 40s a bit like creationists think the entire universe was made about 6000 years ago and that all humans are descended from Adam and Eve.
From: Username28 Dec 2006 19:54
To: spinning_plates 24 of 33
exactly, therefore beatles are a spot on music culture and media whores like every else since the rise in recordable media
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 20:55
To: Username 25 of 33
Sure. Just like monkeys have wings.
From: Username28 Dec 2006 21:19
To: spinning_plates 26 of 33
From: koswix 2 Jan 2007 13:31
To: Manthorp 27 of 33
That's a great post, ruined by the use of the word 'mainstreaming'. You've been hanging round with managers for too long.
From: koswix 2 Jan 2007 13:32
To: Username 28 of 33
Is that anything like breading haddock?
From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 2 Jan 2007 21:22
To: ALL29 of 33
I interrupt this thread to bring you a goat.

From: spinning_plates 3 Jan 2007 18:46
To: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 30 of 33


We saw this story on BBC World and the newsreader guy was actually laughing, quite hard, as he read it. Afterwards he said "that wasn't at all funny". Which was the funniest bit of all.

From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 4 Jan 2007 03:12
To: spinning_plates 31 of 33

Hell of a way for that American to continue the tradition.



From: Manthorp 4 Jan 2007 19:32
To: koswix 32 of 33
<Manthorp has Teh Shame & pretends he isn't shagging TEH MAN>
From: koswix 4 Jan 2007 21:13
To: Manthorp 33 of 33
Well if teh man flops it out on a plate it'd be rude not to partake.