March/May Meet with Matt & Mary

From: Zippy (MARY)27 Dec 2006 17:46
To: ALL1 of 23
Matt and I would like to visit in March or May if we can afford it when the time comes . . . I’d like to organize a meet when we do decide to venture over. Because we live in the Midwest Matt hasn’t had an opportunity to get properly drunk or even have a good tasting drink since we left England in July of 2005 so he needs this!

Where would everyone prefer to meet up? What day of the week?

EDITED: 27 Dec 2006 17:47 by MARY
From: milko28 Dec 2006 13:42
To: Zippy (MARY) 2 of 23
A Saturday in central London seems likely a good choice, unless you guys fancy heading up further north to Leeds or somewhere similar.
From: dyl28 Dec 2006 20:08
To: Zippy (MARY) 3 of 23

"Because we live in the Midwest Matt hasn’t had an opportunity to get properly drunk"


Is Midwest USA predominantly Muslim, then?

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From: ANT_THOMAS29 Dec 2006 18:22
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 5 of 23
I'm in.
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From: steve29 Dec 2006 18:44
To: ALL7 of 23
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Dec 2006 19:04
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 8 of 23
Meh, too far.
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From: Zippy (MARY)29 Dec 2006 22:18
To: dyl 10 of 23

You have to drive everywhere; there is no good public transportation system.


Driving + Drinking = DWI. DWI = Matt loses his job and Mary’s insurance goes up.
Driving + Drinking = Wrecked Car. Wrecked Car = People Injured/Killed and Mary’s insurance goes up and Mary has to buy a new car.


There is no good thing that could come with drinking & driving.

From: dyl30 Dec 2006 01:29
To: Zippy (MARY) 11 of 23

Oh. DWI. Of course.


So what does DWI mean, preferably explained not in terms of other undefined acronyms?

From: Izziwizzi (JAMES)30 Dec 2006 01:38
To: dyl 12 of 23
Driving While Intoxicated
From: Rowan30 Dec 2006 02:23
To: Izziwizzi (JAMES) 13 of 23
What happened to DUI? I'm sure that used to be bandied about. Is this some crazy thing to do with America having lots of states?
From: Jo (JELLS)30 Dec 2006 02:26
To: Rowan 14 of 23
In North America, we say DWI. It's not just a US thing.
From: koswix30 Dec 2006 15:37
To: Zippy (MARY) 15 of 23
London. On a weekend. \o/
From: koswix30 Dec 2006 15:39
To: dyl 16 of 23
Worse. They're Christians.
From: Ixion 1 Jan 2007 16:13
To: Zippy (MARY) 17 of 23
What's wrong with Taxis? That's what we used in the states when we went out drinking. They were very cheap compared to UK taxis especially as it was 45 minutes drive each way to the nearest decent drinking hole.
From: Zippy (MARY) 1 Jan 2007 18:14
To: Ixion 18 of 23

HAHAHA Taxi. . . what city did you go to? Chicago, Tampa, New York, Boston?


1) You have to look up a number in a phone book or 411 it.
2) You better hope that you get a good driver.
3) You better ask them if they are willing to drive more than 10 miles out of downtown.


I went in an American Taxi once, I'll never do it again.

From: Bryan (TWISTER) 1 Jan 2007 18:27
To: Zippy (MARY) 19 of 23

Taxi's in Lancaster, Ohio were an interesting experience.


Phone the only taxi company in town and they say yeah, we'll get ya.


Don't say when. They arrive when they arrive AND you could be sharing said taxi with several other complete strangers. It as dirt cheap though.

From: Ixion 1 Jan 2007 23:37
To: Zippy (MARY) 20 of 23
Wasn't a city, it was to a hotel near a navy base in the arse end of nowhere to head into/out of Fredricksburg. Cities in Washington were superb, yes you did have to call them and arrange in advance but what's the big deal it means you both get to drink and no risk of drink driving at all!