
From: JonCooper27 Dec 2006 19:17
To: ALL43 of 60
' ' ' e e e <<< to correct serious shortage in this thread
From: Manthorp27 Dec 2006 23:01
To: Username 44 of 60
just dosnt stretch your mind christopher

Not a lot of give in your mind, Trig. Not much stretchability there.
From: Username27 Dec 2006 23:25
To: Manthorp 45 of 60
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:18
To: Username 46 of 60
the internet is evolving with us all

I think that to say it is evolving "with us all" would imply that we are all evolving. Since you are clearly not evolving and, if anything, regressing back towards bacterial form, you are obviously talking out of your microbial arse.
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:23
To: Username 47 of 60

Actually not even the brightest geek or nerd could explain why the Internet is not real, still, I'd like to see you give it a serious go.


I believe you would have to start by defining your interpretation of "real" and "not real" how you differentiate between the two and what criteria must be met for something to fall clearly into one category or the other. Of course you won't do that, because your belief is based on vapour, but if you could I might be tempted to take your argument that the Internet is nor real more seriously, since you would have had to establish justification for the statement and explain the implications should that statement be upheld as true.

From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:27
To: els 48 of 60
I'd actually be interested to see if someone like Peter could create a spambot that mimics Trig. It probably wouldn't be that hard - it's not like it would need to pass a Turing test or anything.
From: els28 Dec 2006 15:55
To: spinning_plates 49 of 60

Wouldn't the said spambot work in a logical manner? >:-(


Even spam has to make sense

From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 16:02
To: els 50 of 60
Well you could program it such that, despite it being technically logical, it appears not to be so.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)28 Dec 2006 17:50
To: Dave!! 51 of 60

Only if that single figure is "1", exclamation-cunt. But seriously, he's confined to a folder specifically so you can ignore it if you want to, where no useful threads are ever likely to be created, so what does it matter if he posts hundreds of stream-of-consciousness threads with meaningless titles in it? I mean really, you coming into this folder and bitching about what you're bitching is like a vegan going into a butcher's shop and complaining about all the meat. It's just fucking stupid.


Mind you, what do I expect to find, coming into Trig's folder, if not you whining at him like a twat?


Get a life.


<takes own advice>

EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 17:57 by RENDLE
From: Username28 Dec 2006 17:57
To: spinning_plates 52 of 60
From: Username28 Dec 2006 17:58
your sensible
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 19:28
To: Username 54 of 60
Whatever that was, I didn't watch it.
From: Username28 Dec 2006 19:51
To: spinning_plates 55 of 60
From: Dave!!28 Dec 2006 19:54
My point is that there's a dozen or more people who have posted and moaned at Trig far more than I have recently. Yet you still single out one of my posts and have a good whinge at it. You talk about my obsessions, well I believe that one of yours is trying to find posts of mine that you can complain about.
From: Username28 Dec 2006 20:33
To: ALL57 of 60
From: JonCooper29 Dec 2006 00:24
To: Username 58 of 60
From: Username29 Dec 2006 00:27
To: JonCooper 59 of 60
From: Username29 Dec 2006 00:32
To: JonCooper 60 of 60
So you not like capital letters or w00t?