
From: Username27 Dec 2006 15:06
To: patch 30 of 60

no you get me wrong
im only stating facts
i dont have a problem with non continuous non real time forum

From: Radio27 Dec 2006 15:38
To: Username 31 of 60



MSN is realtime.

From: Username27 Dec 2006 16:40
To: Radio 32 of 60

it is but its still not real
hearing a voice or looking at a face is real

From: Radio27 Dec 2006 16:48
To: Username 33 of 60
So what happens when you use MSN to start a voice conversation or a video conversation? Does it suddenly become real then, and as soon as you stop the voice or video and switch back to text it becomes, what, imaginary?
From: els27 Dec 2006 16:55
To: Username 34 of 60

and how long has it been since you last heard a voice and saw a face?


may i suggest that the only voices are in your head , and the only faces you see are on your small tv . :L

From: Username27 Dec 2006 17:03
To: Radio 35 of 60

yeah it becomes real when voice or video it activated
more human interactive

From: Username27 Dec 2006 17:06
To: els 36 of 60
and how long has it been since you last heard a voice and saw a face?


may i suggest that the only voices are in your head , and the only faces you see are on your small tv . :L

thats not a suggestion

3. something suggested, as a piece of advice: We made the suggestion that she resign.

how can you suggest a voice in my head christopher?
nevermind i know your a bricklayer
forget it :L
From: ANT_THOMAS27 Dec 2006 17:08
To: Username 37 of 60

Good money in bricklaying.


More more than being on the dole.

From: Username27 Dec 2006 17:19
To: ANT_THOMAS 38 of 60

just dosnt stretch your mind christopher
lay bricks

From: els27 Dec 2006 17:22
To: Username 39 of 60

yes stephen your right , its not a suggestion. Its a fact
Apart from that one detail ,your whole reply was utter nonsense.


Judging you by your extreme behaviour on the (not real) internet over christmas its pretty obvious that christmas isnt a very nice time for you. Being alone can be hard lol


edit:Not sure if your talking to me or not , but my names mark and "do one" is a term used by g33ks in chatrooms , usually kids.

EDITED: 27 Dec 2006 17:28 by ELS
From: Username27 Dec 2006 17:27
To: els 40 of 60

i know i was right and corrected your wrong
layer bricks
so nonsence no i dont think so
alone is too hard sometimes :-((

From: els27 Dec 2006 17:32
To: Username 41 of 60

im now bored of translating your nonsensical posts .


not even babelfish can cope with such textual diaorreah :/

EDITED: 27 Dec 2006 17:43 by ELS
From: Username27 Dec 2006 17:34
To: els 42 of 60

lol bricklayer

EDITED: 27 Dec 2006 17:37 by USERNAME
From: JonCooper27 Dec 2006 19:17
To: ALL43 of 60
' ' ' e e e <<< to correct serious shortage in this thread
From: Manthorp27 Dec 2006 23:01
To: Username 44 of 60
just dosnt stretch your mind christopher

Not a lot of give in your mind, Trig. Not much stretchability there.
From: Username27 Dec 2006 23:25
To: Manthorp 45 of 60
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:18
To: Username 46 of 60
the internet is evolving with us all

I think that to say it is evolving "with us all" would imply that we are all evolving. Since you are clearly not evolving and, if anything, regressing back towards bacterial form, you are obviously talking out of your microbial arse.
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:23
To: Username 47 of 60

Actually not even the brightest geek or nerd could explain why the Internet is not real, still, I'd like to see you give it a serious go.


I believe you would have to start by defining your interpretation of "real" and "not real" how you differentiate between the two and what criteria must be met for something to fall clearly into one category or the other. Of course you won't do that, because your belief is based on vapour, but if you could I might be tempted to take your argument that the Internet is nor real more seriously, since you would have had to establish justification for the statement and explain the implications should that statement be upheld as true.

From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:27
To: els 48 of 60
I'd actually be interested to see if someone like Peter could create a spambot that mimics Trig. It probably wouldn't be that hard - it's not like it would need to pass a Turing test or anything.
From: els28 Dec 2006 15:55
To: spinning_plates 49 of 60

Wouldn't the said spambot work in a logical manner? >:-(


Even spam has to make sense