Everybody point at Trig

From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 19:43
To: ALL1 of 10
... and laugh.

Triginabox. Geek internet addiction, geek autististic tendencies. Just no real knowledge of computers or computing. Geek without an ounce of chic. Bless him, and bless his tiny little cell.
From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 19:50
To: Manthorp 2 of 10
you can't do it from here, he can't see this folder anymore
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 19:52
To: Manthorp 3 of 10
Hope me winding him up isn't too big a problem... I can always stop if it is desired.
From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 19:59
To: spinning_plates 4 of 10
Not at all, it's character building for him. I was simply posting from here to piss him off.
From: Linn (INDYLS)23 Dec 2006 01:49
To: JonCooper 5 of 10
Ahhh. So that's what he's been on about all day. I missed that part. :'D 
From: Manthorp23 Dec 2006 10:29
To: ALL6 of 10
How subtle are MidMudness capabilities? I had the idea that it would be funny to prevent Trig from using a particular letter, a common one, 'A', say. Then maybe withdraw another one the following day and so on.

It would fascinating to see how long it took before a) his posts became completely unintelligible (and would we notice anyway?) and b) he gave up posting completely. I'm being cruel, I know, but he deserves it and anyway he derives a degree of pleasure from the attention.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)23 Dec 2006 11:02
To: Manthorp 7 of 10

It's certainly cruel and unusual, but I don't think the word filters are quite that sophisticated.


I've locked him down so that he can only see the hardware folder and his folder, and can only reply to threads in his folder, not create new ones. He's asked who did it, but obviously I can't tell him, lest he spaffs potato-tainted sperm in excitement.

From: Manthorp23 Dec 2006 11:34
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 8 of 10
Talk about starchy. The stains would never come out.
From: Dave!!23 Dec 2006 12:12
To: Manthorp 9 of 10
He's now at the stage of posting random bollocks at about 3 in the morning. If he really is a script designed to test the mod powers of Beehive, I'd say he's definitely due for a reboot.
From: Manthorp23 Dec 2006 14:26
To: Dave!! 10 of 10
No household is complete without a madwoman in the attic.