
From: Username23 Dec 2006 13:29
To: Dave!! 8 of 36
hi hi
From: Username24 Dec 2006 13:12
To: ALL9 of 36

23rd Dec:
Got up after 12, washed and shaved. Eat rice crispies, apple juice and a banana at PC.
Turned off PC and watched Star Trek The Motion Picture. Had 2 smoked ham slices and tea for lunch.
Played some Gran Turismo 4, then watched Nightmare Before Christmas.
Made dinner, spaghetti bolanaise, ice cream + chopped banana and 2 glasses of water.
Watched the History Of Rock N Roll.
Half past eight played music on Traktor untill half past ten, then watched Parkinson.
Watched some History Of Light Enterianment narrated by Stephen Fry, watched the end of Jaws and went to bed at about 2am.

From: els24 Dec 2006 15:02
To: Username 10 of 36
did you not have any interaction with any "real" humans , poor lonesome stephen
From: Username24 Dec 2006 15:51
To: els 11 of 36

i didnt leave the flat

From: Username24 Dec 2006 16:18
To: Username 12 of 36
New Thread.
The hard drive that has all my photos and downloads and stuff died the other day. I can tell it's dead, because one of the chips on the circuit board has a nice burnt hole in the middle of it.
Has anyone ever sent a physically knackered drive off for data recovery? And how much did it cost?

Numpty silly billy. Having a PC is a job you silly snatch. Its geek territory, therefore you need to back up to CD or DVD, like me every 6 months to spare HD and every year to DVDs.
Get a clue understand HD storage.
PC should stay with the geeks and nerds please.
From: Username24 Dec 2006 16:21
To: Username 13 of 36

stay away from the geek
photos dont deserve to be stored on PC
keep it real and physical please
keep it 80s and 90s
print best photos and store away where they can be viewed sitting on a comfy sofa and anytime not waiting for PC to boot up sitting on a geek pc chair pressing mouse buttons to view them
pcs break outwith human control just like patches silly HD
photos cant get destroyed that often unless you really are a stupid billy retard unflexible boy

From: Username24 Dec 2006 16:24
To: Username 14 of 36

my old folks and elders have been storing real print photos for 40 years and not one has been destroyed
get a clue with pcs and there worthless presence

EDITED: 24 Dec 2006 16:25 by USERNAME
From: Username24 Dec 2006 16:31
To: Username 15 of 36

understand the pyhsical approximation and human experience of all the best inventions please
vinyl and the printed photo for one
vinyl and print born for a meaningfull human experience
the pc born out of the minds of geeks
switch off the pc for good
mp3s born from the minds of nerds
the lack of human emotional interactive experience with the mp3 and the jpg

From: JonCooper24 Dec 2006 16:37
To: Username 16 of 36
1. CDs and DVDs don't last forever, a better solution would be a RAID system, a hardware man should know that.

2. why don't you turn off your PC and then all the nasty stuff will be out of your life forever.
From: Username24 Dec 2006 16:40
To: JonCooper 17 of 36

they last for more than a human lifetime
i have 50 dvds not one failed
i have 600 cds not one failed

From: Username24 Dec 2006 16:43
To: JonCooper 18 of 36

are you a geek quoting techninal detials or a man with experience and thoughts from his brain?
whats it to be?
do you need a laptop with wifi and google when having a conversation with other humans or are you a real man?

From: JonCooper24 Dec 2006 16:45
To: Username 19 of 36
I rent DVDs most weeks and 75% of them are damaged and skip at some point

DVDs are not 100% reliable and are a PITA to store and sort through, could you really find one specific photo somewhere on 50 DVDs?
From: patch24 Dec 2006 16:59
To: Username 20 of 36

Why in God's name would I want to spend my time backing up 120GB of data onto DVDs? Jesus. Some of us have other stuff to do.


As Jon said, a RAID array or something similar would have been the best idea. Maybe next time.

From: Username24 Dec 2006 17:00
To: JonCooper 21 of 36
rent DVDs human makes dvds unplayable harsh stupidly

i buy and rip dvds to clean blank dvds not one has failed

DVDs are not 100% reliable and are a PITA to store and sort through,
this is the real human experience, live with your human experices

could you really find one specific photo somewhere on 50 DVDs?
no thats print is best
From: Username24 Dec 2006 17:01
To: patch 22 of 36

RAID is nerd and geek fashion
please less technology and more human experience with print
understand the human nature

From: Username24 Dec 2006 17:04
To: Username 23 of 36

the whole world is gonna get fat soon
they all use there arm and hands to move a pc mouse
i use my legs, arms, back, joints and muscles to seek out music and the printed photo
the calorie burn is loosing over the pc

From: Username24 Dec 2006 17:10
To: Username 24 of 36

let the pc win
forget about cd / dvd inlay card creation and design
the human experience of creation
stop design and buy the file
the geek pc file

From: Username24 Dec 2006 17:13
To: patch 25 of 36
Anyone got a Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 120GB ATA/133 sitting around that they don't want?

not likely
so you have entered the nerd experience
are you gonna learn from this and evolutionise to a human experience
back up photos to cd/dvd or simple indulge into the real full experience and print off the best photos
nerd decides
From: Username24 Dec 2006 17:16
To: ALL26 of 36

are houses getting smaller
are rooms getting smaller
are cupboards getting smaller
are dvd cases getting bigger
are cd cases getting bigger
are cds getting bigger
are dvds getting bigger
is land getting smaller
is the globe reducing in size

From: patch24 Dec 2006 17:21
To: Username 27 of 36
Are you going to get to the point?