The Forum Winter CD

From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 15:56
To: Username 21 of 44
nope, Baird was a scot who died in 1946, a lot of his work was in the 1920s
EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 15:56 by JONCOOPER
From: Username22 Dec 2006 15:58
To: JonCooper 22 of 44
you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 16:02
To: Username 23 of 44
have you ever had sex? with a real girl? who wasn't your sister?
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:03
To: JonCooper 24 of 44

only once in 1995
but my parents believe in sex after marriage so i will too

EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 16:03 by USERNAME
From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 16:09
To: Username 25 of 44
:D best of luck with that :D

I don't know any girls/women who'd wait 'till married now

and who'd marry an unemployed scottish geek anyway ?
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:11
To: JonCooper 26 of 44

no geeks here
no geeks in the Suttie family
no geek genes here

From: patch22 Dec 2006 16:20
To: Username 27 of 44
This is like when you were protesting that you weren't gay, isn't it? Only now it's geeks.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:24
To: patch 28 of 44
you want to think im a gay geek
From: patch22 Dec 2006 16:29
To: Username 29 of 44
I may as well think that. You are one.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:31
To: patch 30 of 44

think away
i know the truth

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 17:24
To: Username 31 of 44
kindgom insinyard brunel

Isambard Kingdom Brunel, if you please.

that bridge building railroad fellow

He created such wonders as the Clifton suspension bridge and the curved Tamar bridge. Oh and a pneumatic railway that failed because rats ate the leather pressure piping. And we (in British English) don't call them railroads they are railways.
EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 17:24 by SPINNING_PLATES
From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 19:34
To: Username 32 of 44
isn't the truth that you did "take it up the ass" one time "to see what it was like" ?
From: JonCooper23 Dec 2006 01:58
To: Username 33 of 44
hey look, I'm online at 1am too - spooky
From: Username23 Dec 2006 02:30
To: JonCooper 34 of 44
its 1:30am
From: JonCooper23 Dec 2006 02:46
To: Username 35 of 44
From: Username23 Dec 2006 02:54
To: JonCooper 36 of 44

let me start a new THREAD !!!


Theres no way on earth im gonna let The History Of Light Entertainment (BBC 12 - 1:15am) tell me Ant & Deck are the new Morcombe and Wise. No way on earth.
For starters M & W worked for a living, A & D are presenters pure and simple.
A & D = Child actors, failed pop stars, and now presenters with one film under there belt.

From: Rich (RICARD00)25 Dec 2006 01:58
To: Username 37 of 44
You hate stealing, except you download anything that you can get your mits on, which is theft.
From: Username25 Dec 2006 02:05
To: Rich (RICARD00) 38 of 44

i dont like physical stealing
but intellectual stealing i dont mind
but i know it comes to the same thing
this is the way of things

From: Username25 Dec 2006 02:08
To: Rich (RICARD00) 39 of 44

just leave me alone
life itsnt simple and clear cut

From: JonCooper25 Dec 2006 02:10
To: Username 40 of 44
but the stealing you're moaning about in #1 isn't physical stealing, they only recycled your idea :P