play around els

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:41
To: Username 47 of 60

You seem to have incorrectly typed my name, dear fellow!


The second word happens to be spelt P-L-A-T-E-S and is the common English noun meaning "things what one eats grub off".

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:41
To: spinning_plates 48 of 60

polishing knobs i ike that one
i will save that to memory

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:42
To: spinning_plates 49 of 60
twats here
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:43
To: Username 50 of 60
i will save that to memory

Haha and you claim you're not a geek. I'm sorry (well, I'm not, but what the hell) but using the phrase "save that to memory" qualifies you as a geek if anything does.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:43
To: Username 51 of 60
You don't have to announce yourself, we know you're about.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:44
To: spinning_plates 52 of 60

my memory you spinning twat
not pc memory
shows your a geek to think i was talking about that

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:44
To: spinning_plates 53 of 60

plates you twat
do one
look over at repeption i will be there soon
look both ways when leaving tonight

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:48
To: Username 54 of 60
not pc memory

The phrase "save to memory" is used when talking about data-storage hardware, whereas the verb used for your own memory would be either "to memorise" or "to remember". You might want to memorise that.

shows your a geek to think i was talking about that

Au contraire - it shows you to be a geek, because only someone who spent a lot of time thinking about electronic-style memory would use the phrase. People who are not geeks would be highly unlikely to save they would "save" something to memory.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)22 Dec 2006 16:49
To: ALL55 of 60

<shrug /> Being a geek let's me have a job which I find interesting and challenging while paying good wages and giving excellent opportunities to move onwards without doing exactly the same job for the rest of my life.


I think I can handle that.


I guess I'm also a Volkswagen geek and a mechanics geek. But that side of me lets me meet lots of new and interesting people and get around the country a bit. I can probably handle being called a geek over that, too.


Hope being cool and 'hip' works out for you, Mr Loner-On-The-Dole.


So far as I can tell, every single person on here leads a more fulfilling, interesting and active life than you.

EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 16:52 by PILOTDAN
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:55
To: Username 56 of 60
plates you twat
do one
look over at repeption i will be there soon
look both ways when leaving tonight

1. I don't twat. I have not violently hit someone for years and don't ever intend to do so again.

2. The phrase "do one" without any more detailed context still doesn't make any sense. Try again.

3. I can't see reception from here, not to mention that you'd have to be invited in, since there's a key-code on the door. Not to mention that your definition of "soon" is clearly a bit loose. The best you could do would be to hop on a plane right now and maybe be here just after I've left work. As it is, I doubt you would even have the cash to buy a plane ticket, nor would you know where to buy the ticket to and, if you got here your inability to speak even coherent English, let alone any French would render you utterly incapable of finding your way out of the airport, let alone all the way to my building. Good luck. Don't forget to bring some warm clothes, it can get a mite chilly here in winter, especially if you don't have a home to enter to keep the wind off.

4. I shall only be looking one way when I leave tonight, since it's a one-way street outside my building.
EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 16:58 by SPINNING_PLATES
Message 31528.57 was deleted
From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 19:49
To: Username 58 of 60
You're a geek, but without talent. All the affectations, simply no knowledge.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Dec 2006 20:05
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 59 of 60
Since when?
Message 31528.60 was deleted