play around els

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:27
To: Username 35 of 60
you keep replying

Indeed. I thought that was what one did on an Internet forum?

what cock you are innit

Grammar: ever heard of it, punk?

get your own will

I don't want my own Will, I want a Brian like yours!

you aint changing mine snot

Ja! Meine snot herr Suttie! I don't want to change your snot. You can keep it just the way it is, no problem for me.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:29
To: Username 36 of 60
Yeah, all those poor little hydrocarbon molecules that are being gradually worn off the tops of my keys. Not like it's going to happen very fast though and, besides, all I'm wasting is my employer's time and I really don't have much better to do anyway, so pissing you off suits me just fine.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:29
To: Username 37 of 60

all i gotta do is say im gonna so something and they get twitcthy
must like the shittey terrorist times of today
another reason why this is shite times
the internet and terrorism are the same
you dont know who your dealing with
and its easy to overreact
silly billys
death to the nervous and twitchy poeple then i say
relax and you could be fine

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:30
To: spinning_plates 38 of 60

fuck shits you can go on typing all day like a real geek
jesus christ saddo

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:30
To: Username 39 of 60

Now that's an original one, I'm sad I didn't think of it first myself.


Well, consider me full offended. In fact I'm sitting here crying at my desk now because you defamed my handle. :-((

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:31
To: spinning_plates 40 of 60

piss me off if you think
bring it some more
im sitting here not getting pissed off as its not real its only text in my pc monitor

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:34
To: Username 41 of 60

I'm fairly certain that if you can't post a single message in your folder without me replying telling you what you just posted is a pile of crap, you'll eventually get pretty pissed off. Of course there's always the possibility I might have to do some real work, but at the speed I can type, I can probably fill your threads with more structured crap than you could produce textual diarrhoea, even whilst being simultaneously productive.


It also gives me some pleasure to think of you trying to understand all the nasty big words I use. Maybe if we're lucky trying to read one of them will give you a brain haemorrhage.

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:36
To: spinning_plates 42 of 60
away with you spinning twats
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:38
To: Username 43 of 60

some silly admin has resctricted me to read only hardware folder and read write trig folder
this better not be jon hes to clever to do stupid things
this was kennys doing
if i see him in paisley its game over time

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:38
To: Username 44 of 60
Certainly master! Oh, wait... no!
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:39
To: spinning_plates 45 of 60
spinning twats
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:40
To: Username 46 of 60

Well you'll just have to be creative enough to get some people to post interesting things in your folder then won't you?


Of course there's more chance of that happening than the second coming happening in Paisley where we find the saviour working as a "hardware man" who also enjoys "polishing knobs".

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:41
To: Username 47 of 60

You seem to have incorrectly typed my name, dear fellow!


The second word happens to be spelt P-L-A-T-E-S and is the common English noun meaning "things what one eats grub off".

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:41
To: spinning_plates 48 of 60

polishing knobs i ike that one
i will save that to memory

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:42
To: spinning_plates 49 of 60
twats here
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:43
To: Username 50 of 60
i will save that to memory

Haha and you claim you're not a geek. I'm sorry (well, I'm not, but what the hell) but using the phrase "save that to memory" qualifies you as a geek if anything does.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:43
To: Username 51 of 60
You don't have to announce yourself, we know you're about.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:44
To: spinning_plates 52 of 60

my memory you spinning twat
not pc memory
shows your a geek to think i was talking about that

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:44
To: spinning_plates 53 of 60

plates you twat
do one
look over at repeption i will be there soon
look both ways when leaving tonight

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:48
To: Username 54 of 60
not pc memory

The phrase "save to memory" is used when talking about data-storage hardware, whereas the verb used for your own memory would be either "to memorise" or "to remember". You might want to memorise that.

shows your a geek to think i was talking about that

Au contraire - it shows you to be a geek, because only someone who spent a lot of time thinking about electronic-style memory would use the phrase. People who are not geeks would be highly unlikely to save they would "save" something to memory.