play around els

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:16
To: Username 25 of 60
it is you see

Your use of the imperative here indicates that you are instructing us "to see" where we clearly are unable to do so. I would give up - it's not a challenge to get us geeks to hate ourselves for doing what we love, it's just a waste of your precious wanking time.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:18
To: spinning_plates 26 of 60

All: ok my fault
im my manic depressive rapid replys i was simmering mince
the water has recuded and vanish
the noise i thought was rain hitting kitchen window
but it was the bottom of pan cooking dryed mince


nothing done wrong apart from all the water has gone

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:20
To: Username 27 of 60
1. I don't know anyone who laughs at geeks (well, anyone worth knowing)
geeks are not engineers


2. who do you turn to when you don't know what to do?

Heh, you must do a lot of running in circles then? Ever heard of an infinite loop? Nope I guess not, since you're not a geek.

3. why the fuck are you here when you hate it so much ?
i like challenges

Our survey said "uh-uurrrrr". Wrong answer. You are here because you live a pathetic life all on your own and, despite the fact that we state on a daily basis how much of a waste of everyone's time your drivel is, you need us and you can't bear the thought of being even more alone than you already are. It's why, in part, you are in such strong denial about the "real-ness" of the Internet. If you accept that you are talking to people in a virtual medium because nobody "real" wants to be associated with you, your entire fantasy existence would have to come crashing down around you. Good luck keeping that one going.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:22
To: spinning_plates 28 of 60

you keep replying
what cock you are innit
get your own will
you aint changing mine snot

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:23
To: spinning_plates 29 of 60

keep it coming
keep wasting your keyboard

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:24
To: Username 30 of 60

Oooh, looks like you're about to climax! Don't get man-juice all over the screen!


P.S. you have a Brian who types for you? That could explain a lot. Is this Brian chap your whipping boy? Do you keep him in leathers and spank him if he correctly spells an entire sentence?


Brian: If you're reading this, there are people who can help - you don't have to spend the rest of your life doing the insane biddings of this deranged loser! PM me if you need help escaping from your basement prison.

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:25
To: spinning_plates 31 of 60
spinning twat
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:26
To: Username 32 of 60

"ErrorYou cannot create new threads."
I love. The geek twat admins are getting nervous
my plan worked i got a reaction from one of them
silly little admin
i pray it wasnt jon he got more sense than that
it was kenny

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:26
To: Username 33 of 60
i will jsut need to keep replying to stay alive
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:27
To: Username 34 of 60

ooh dear
which admin is the twat
why is you a twat

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:27
To: Username 35 of 60
you keep replying

Indeed. I thought that was what one did on an Internet forum?

what cock you are innit

Grammar: ever heard of it, punk?

get your own will

I don't want my own Will, I want a Brian like yours!

you aint changing mine snot

Ja! Meine snot herr Suttie! I don't want to change your snot. You can keep it just the way it is, no problem for me.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:29
To: Username 36 of 60
Yeah, all those poor little hydrocarbon molecules that are being gradually worn off the tops of my keys. Not like it's going to happen very fast though and, besides, all I'm wasting is my employer's time and I really don't have much better to do anyway, so pissing you off suits me just fine.
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:29
To: Username 37 of 60

all i gotta do is say im gonna so something and they get twitcthy
must like the shittey terrorist times of today
another reason why this is shite times
the internet and terrorism are the same
you dont know who your dealing with
and its easy to overreact
silly billys
death to the nervous and twitchy poeple then i say
relax and you could be fine

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:30
To: spinning_plates 38 of 60

fuck shits you can go on typing all day like a real geek
jesus christ saddo

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:30
To: Username 39 of 60

Now that's an original one, I'm sad I didn't think of it first myself.


Well, consider me full offended. In fact I'm sitting here crying at my desk now because you defamed my handle. :-((

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:31
To: spinning_plates 40 of 60

piss me off if you think
bring it some more
im sitting here not getting pissed off as its not real its only text in my pc monitor

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:34
To: Username 41 of 60

I'm fairly certain that if you can't post a single message in your folder without me replying telling you what you just posted is a pile of crap, you'll eventually get pretty pissed off. Of course there's always the possibility I might have to do some real work, but at the speed I can type, I can probably fill your threads with more structured crap than you could produce textual diarrhoea, even whilst being simultaneously productive.


It also gives me some pleasure to think of you trying to understand all the nasty big words I use. Maybe if we're lucky trying to read one of them will give you a brain haemorrhage.

From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:36
To: spinning_plates 42 of 60
away with you spinning twats
From: Username22 Dec 2006 16:38
To: Username 43 of 60

some silly admin has resctricted me to read only hardware folder and read write trig folder
this better not be jon hes to clever to do stupid things
this was kennys doing
if i see him in paisley its game over time

From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 16:38
To: Username 44 of 60
Certainly master! Oh, wait... no!