when geeks attacks

From: Username22 Dec 2006 11:50
To: Manthorp 5 of 14

PLEASE, no more photos. I prefer to imagine than look at photos, of long hair, LONG HAIR ON MEN !!, stuble, and wack geek clothes and jackets.
you lot couldnt fight for toffee either. Nerds.

From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 15:12
To: Username 6 of 14
if you imagine the ability to fight makes you any more of a man or any more usefull as a human being then I truly feel sorry for you

all these non-fighting geeks are worth more than you could ever be - twat
From: Username22 Dec 2006 15:13
To: JonCooper 7 of 14

fighting is not good all the time sonshine
once or twice a year is cool
bruises cuts and breaks heal in time
no biggie

From: Username22 Dec 2006 15:14
To: Username 8 of 14

geeks can have no back-bone im cool with that
its the geek nature
geeks loose it in a manic rage
i jsut put drop people with considered force
geeks are useless at certain things its ok though

EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 15:15 by USERNAME
From: patch22 Dec 2006 15:22
To: Username 9 of 14
You "drop people with considered force"? Don't make me laugh.
From: JonCooper22 Dec 2006 15:22
To: Username 10 of 14
neanderthal thugs who fight for fun are useless for most things, are you cool with that too?
From: Username22 Dec 2006 15:25
To: JonCooper 11 of 14
no fighting for fun is bad
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 15:32
To: Username 12 of 14
Geeks never "attacks", fuck-head.
From: Manthorp23 Dec 2006 10:47
To: Username 13 of 14
We all remember just how hard you are from the time you pissed off those goons on Soulseek and shat yourself with fear.
From: Ixion23 Dec 2006 10:53
To: Username 14 of 14
Don't cry Stephen.