Part one

Message 31511.12 was deleted
From: Username20 Dec 2006 23:06
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 13 of 18
I worked that out on the 19th of November Two Thousand and Six, Eighteen hundred hours GMT time.
From: JonCooper20 Dec 2006 23:48
To: Username 14 of 18
what were you doing that you got £900 (or was it £400) a week for but didn't do quick enough ?
From: koswix20 Dec 2006 23:50
To: JonCooper 15 of 18
Sucking off MPs.
From: Manthorp20 Dec 2006 23:59
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 16 of 18
Can't be arsed to read his turgid and mis-shapen prose. Did he prove it was Schneebly the janitor all along?.
From: JonCooper21 Dec 2006 00:00
To: koswix 17 of 18
do you have to do that quickly ?
From: Voltane21 Dec 2006 00:22
To: JonCooper 18 of 18
Only if they don't want to get caught.