Title page

From: steve30 Nov 2006 12:01
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 7
As opposed to having a "PLEASE VIEW THIS WEBSITE IN [X BROWSER]" message?

I agree PNGs are better; but until they are supported properly (I take it IE7 does it right? In which case soon enough people would have changed to it I hope) it's silly using them.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Nov 2006 12:45
To: steve 6 of 7
Microsoft's excuse for not fixing PNGs was because nobody uses them.
It took people using them and then adding IE-specific hacks for them to fix them in IE7.

If don't know if IE7 also fixes the colour bug, but if it does then it's just a case of adding this:
<!--[if IE lt 7]>
<style type="text/css">
	body {background: url(color_blue.png) repeat-all;}

And then everything is fine.
From: PNCOOL30 Nov 2006 22:08
To: ALL7 of 7
Well on just visiting now it appears the problem has been fixed. Hurrah!