Title page

From: PNCOOL29 Nov 2006 23:56
To: ALL1 of 7
I don't know if only I've noticed this, or whether it has been mentioned before, but the logo on the title page doesn't seem to match the background any more. The blue colour doesn't seem to be the same.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Nov 2006 00:07
To: PNCOOL 2 of 7
Some plonker has fiddled the colours for IE.

IE displays images darker than they actually are, and the background colour has been matched to IEs flawed image rendering.

This causes browsers which work to have a colour mismatch.

The proper solution is to create a 1x1 image of the background of the title image, and tile that as the page background.

IE's flaw will still be in effect (so the colour will be wrong), but because both the background image and foreground image are the same amount of wrong, there wont be the colour mismatch.
(And since proper browsers don't have this bug, they just display the proper colours for both images and there's no mismatch.)
From: steve30 Nov 2006 01:24
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 of 7
..or to use a GIF.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Nov 2006 11:25
To: steve 4 of 7
GIFs suck.
From: steve30 Nov 2006 12:01
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 7
As opposed to having a "PLEASE VIEW THIS WEBSITE IN [X BROWSER]" message?

I agree PNGs are better; but until they are supported properly (I take it IE7 does it right? In which case soon enough people would have changed to it I hope) it's silly using them.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Nov 2006 12:45
To: steve 6 of 7
Microsoft's excuse for not fixing PNGs was because nobody uses them.
It took people using them and then adding IE-specific hacks for them to fix them in IE7.

If don't know if IE7 also fixes the colour bug, but if it does then it's just a case of adding this:
<!--[if IE lt 7]>
<style type="text/css">
	body {background: url(color_blue.png) repeat-all;}

And then everything is fine.
From: PNCOOL30 Nov 2006 22:08
To: ALL7 of 7
Well on just visiting now it appears the problem has been fixed. Hurrah!