Forum Update 19th Jan

From: Matt23 Nov 2006 00:47
To: ALL1 of 50
Mostly visual changes this time around so no change log at the moment. There are lots of bugs fixed behind the scenes though and a few new features and changes. If you think you can find them all you win a no-prize.

As usual, if you find any problems this thread is where you should log them or email or PM me if you think they're more serious and shouldn't be widly revealed to everyone.
EDITED: 19 Jan 2007 01:12 by MATT
From: Dave!!23 Nov 2006 10:31
To: Matt 2 of 50
We have black outlines around everything! At least, I don't recall them being there before. So far all seems well here. :)
From: Matt23 Nov 2006 11:59
To: Dave!! 3 of 50

Black borders have always mostly been there, they've just been joined by a white inner-border which has featured on most all other BH pages since the dawn of the project. S'all about giving BH a uniformed look across all of it's pages.


Surprised nothing much has gone wrong yet but I'm also disappointed nobody has tried to win my no-prize and tell me what they think is new :(

From: Dave!!23 Nov 2006 12:47
To: Matt 4 of 50

Ahh so that's the difference. I knew something had changed :)


I'll have to have a dig around to see if I can unearth other visual/functional changes.

From: Dave!!23 Nov 2006 12:50
To: Matt 5 of 50

Hmm. It's often hard to tell as I rarely delve into other pages in Beehive.


Was the "Thread Subscriptions" page there before in "My Controls"? I don't remember seeing it before and it looks pretty handy actually.


Edit: Found a bit of an issue with the layout for Polls. Not with the poll itself, but in the first bottom frame, there's a "View Results" link which looks oddly left justified compared to the rest of the stuff there. eg:

EDITED: 23 Nov 2006 12:55 by DAVE!!
From: Username23 Nov 2006 13:20
To: Matt 6 of 50
Thanks Matt. I love you !!
From: ian23 Nov 2006 14:44
To: Matt 7 of 50
I think that Firefox search engine bit is new. Is that new?!
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)23 Nov 2006 14:59
To: Matt 8 of 50

Start page, left frame, upper right, the word Start in a colored bar.




My Controls, Forum Options - Reveal spoilers on mouse over.



EDITED: 23 Nov 2006 15:17 by CYBATRON
Message 31274.9 was deleted
From: Dave!!23 Nov 2006 15:31
To: ian 10 of 50
Eee! Just spotted that, very nice! :)
From: Aurora23 Nov 2006 15:32
To: Matt 11 of 50
The best thing about your enhancements and fixes is that they are not obvious. This forum software runs so smoothly that the "errors" and "bugs" are probably only noticed by very few.

This free software is outstanding and the support is superb. The Beehive Forum project rivals massive GPL projects like Joomla. Most admirable.
EDITED: 23 Nov 2006 15:38 by AURORA
From: MrTrent23 Nov 2006 21:33
To: Matt 12 of 50
With the new reveal spoilers option, it makes the spoiler box itself a big clickable block, which leads to a dead page, natch. This happens even when you're replying to it, which means you can't highlight text from the spoiler box, for the purposes of quoting.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)23 Nov 2006 22:39
To: ian 13 of 50
I think that Firefox search engine bit is new.

Huh? :?
From: Matt23 Nov 2006 22:44
To: MrTrent 14 of 50
Force refresh and try it now.
From: MrTrent23 Nov 2006 22:47
To: Matt 15 of 50

Sorted. Nice one.


Good work all round, i say.

EDITED: 23 Nov 2006 22:47 by MRTRENT
From: ian23 Nov 2006 23:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 16 of 50
That search bar bit in the top right corner of Firefox. Click the dropdown and there should be an option to "Add Teh Forum" which you can then use to search Teh Forum.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Nov 2006 00:02
To: ian 17 of 50
*customises tool bar*
*adds search box*
*clicks drop down*

Nope. Just Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Answers, Chambers, Creative Commons, eBay, SiteAdvisor, and a Manage option which apparently requires me to go to a Mozilla website to add more? :S
From: Dave!!24 Nov 2006 00:04
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 18 of 50

Which version of FF are you using? It works in FF2 both here and at work.


And you have the search bar hidden?!

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Nov 2006 00:14
To: Dave!! 19 of 50

I have it turned off because it's a useless waste of space - the address bar is far more important to me, and if I want to search google I simply type WinKey+R,G,whatever. Much faster than switching a hand to the mouse or trackpad and moving the cursor, and it doesn't open in the current screen like the searchbox does.
From: ian24 Nov 2006 00:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 20 of 50
Probably just Firefox 2.0 then. I don't remember the "Add.." being there for anything in 1.x.

EDITED: 24 Nov 2006 00:16 by IAN