Xmas Forum Northern Meat

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 01:16
To: Mouse 84 of 186
We can go carol singing.
From: Mouse21 Nov 2006 01:18
To: Manthorp 85 of 186
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 01:21
To: Mouse 86 of 186
You will have to have a pageboy cut...
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)21 Nov 2006 01:24
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 87 of 186

hmm ....


its tempting ... where are you?


where is this meat?


I suspect I won't be able to make it, on account of my running round a field with men in shorts after an oblong shaped ball on saturday afternoons.


but do share the details.

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 07:47
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 88 of 186
9 Dec, meating in Leeds station Wetherspoons at 12.30 for 1pm. Mouse isn't joining us until about 6.30.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)21 Nov 2006 09:41
To: Manthorp 89 of 186



I won't be able to make that .... had forgotten that meats were daytime as well as evening. i'd be pushed for evening anyhow ... must be 5 or 6 hours on a train from this part of the world

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 10:44
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 90 of 186
Bah! Humbug.
From: Dave!!21 Nov 2006 17:31
To: Manthorp 91 of 186
Sounds good. My next steps are to find out whether I can buy tickets on the day or not. Not so much for the going down as the coming back again.
From: Ben (BENLUMLEY)21 Nov 2006 17:56
To: Manthorp 92 of 186
I would have liked to sample one of your humbugs, alas
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)21 Nov 2006 19:01
To: ALL93 of 186
I should be able to come, what with being a student layabout with no work to do and all. Plus I'm now more eligible than I was last year.
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 20:54
To: Ben (BENLUMLEY) 94 of 186
They're only Werthers with black magic marker lines drawn on them.
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 20:55
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 95 of 186
Just don't think I'm going to stand your drinks all night. Bloody student.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)21 Nov 2006 21:04
To: Manthorp 96 of 186


Bloody student.
Is there a word for the opposite of an oxymoron?


From: Voltane21 Nov 2006 21:16
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 97 of 186



Or just plain moron?






We are still talking about students, aren't we?

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 21:25
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 98 of 186
As oxymoron is oxymoronic in itself, being a compound of the classical Greek words for sharp and dull, the antithesis would have to be moronoxy, or something like that
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Nov 2006 15:52
To: ALL99 of 186

Appologies for my lack of attendence this year, it is my housemates birthday that weekend so I have to be busy getting drunk with him and the friends that will turn up.


Wanted to come, especially if Trig was to turn up, ah well.

From: Manthorp29 Nov 2006 17:48
To: ANT_THOMAS 100 of 186
From: Manthorp 4 Dec 2006 00:18
To: Manthorp 101 of 186
Ok, yet another update for the benefit of those Alzheimers sufferers amongst me:

Draft attendees:

Looks like GreyHair's back on the list - God help us all...

Any more?

9 December, gathering 12.30 for 1pm(ish) at the Leeds Station Wetherspoons (not the other, shit, station pub).

Anyone want Secret Satan? I'm happy to assign secret presentees...
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 4 Dec 2006 00:33
To: Manthorp 102 of 186
I would be up for a little secret santa-ing.
From: Manthorp 4 Dec 2006 00:38
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 103 of 186
Your slaggy cheap-presentiness will encourage teh others into similar promiscuity, I'm sure