Xmas Forum Northern Meat

From: Manthorp11 Nov 2006 21:55
To: Username 63 of 186
C'mon, you big puff. You know your appearance would be most groovy thing you've ever done in your life to date. Kenny (gent that he is) would pick you up somewhere along the line, and we would all love you long time.

You HATE online communication. You LOVE real-to-real communication. So put your hitching thumb where your gob is.
From: Manthorp13 Nov 2006 09:24
To: ALL64 of 186
Let's start taking numbers:

I reckon so far we have:

  • Wingnut
  • Ricard00
  • Dave!!
  • Mouse
  • Skeletonboff
  • Moorlock
  • me
  • possibly my second best woman (have you texted her, Ricard00?)

So who else is up for it?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Nov 2006 09:57
To: Manthorp 65 of 186
Meh - it looks like I won't be able to make it after all.
From: Dave!!13 Nov 2006 10:51
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 66 of 186
From: Mouse13 Nov 2006 11:47
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 67 of 186
Awwww. How come? :C
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Nov 2006 11:59
To: Mouse 68 of 186

The double-whammy of my mum's birthday and helping my mate move into his new house means that I can't wangle it.


Teh Northern Easter Meat, anyone?

From: Manthorp13 Nov 2006 12:43
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 69 of 186
The dog is weeping. She washed her blanket, sorted out some leaves and everything.
From: Rich (RICARD00)13 Nov 2006 20:35
To: Manthorp 70 of 186
Indeed, I await a reply (or retribution) with baited breath. Well, bad breath but it smells like bait, so that'll do.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)20 Nov 2006 22:07
To: ALL71 of 186

I've bought my train tickets, so I'll be getting in to Leeds at 1:10. Am I still ok for a soft thing to fall over on?


No Wii, but I'll be bringing my DS down for some gameage if anyone else wants to bring theirs.

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:16
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 72 of 186
No probs with accomodation, no-longer-skeletonBoff - the dog is looking for a replacement for Kenny with a lusty glint in her eye.

Good news for the testosteronies: Shanaz says she may be up for some part of the meat after all. Get ready for wall to wall sassiness...
From: Dave!!21 Nov 2006 00:19
To: Manthorp 73 of 186
So, not to be too lazy, but what are the plans as they stand? Seeing as I've got train tickets and other gubbins to sort. What time and where are we planning on meeting as well?
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:27
To: Dave!! 74 of 186
'Kay, good time to reiterate anyway:

9 December, gathering 12.30 for 1pm(ish) at the Leeds Station Wetherspoons (not the other, shit, station pub).

Some drink, some don't; nobody's ever remotely fussed either way.

Meats sometimes run on into the stilly night, sometimes quietly fold up around nine. As many dog baskets as required chez manthorp later on after pizza and vodka...
From: DrBoff (BOFF)21 Nov 2006 00:36
To: Manthorp 75 of 186
What happens as to moving to other places? Will we just be vegetating a la Wetherspoons for the evening, or is it likely that we'll move. Only wondering as I'll my case with me (was thinking a locker at the station might be an idea) so I don't want to be lugging it around with me. However, I'm easy either way!
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:43
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 76 of 186
We always wander, though not necessarily very far - Leeds has more boozers per square foot than just about any city I know. The station does indeed have lockers, which used to cost £3.00 per day: I'll check it out next time I'm passing through.
From: Rich (RICARD00)21 Nov 2006 00:43
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 77 of 186

Steve, he's moving in.




Most us manage with a small backback!

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:44
To: Rich (RICARD00) 78 of 186
Dog sex toys, no doubt.
From: Rich (RICARD00)21 Nov 2006 00:45
To: Manthorp 79 of 186

Without doubt.


I'm looking forward to buying you a pint, I've done well this month.

From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:53
To: Rich (RICARD00) 80 of 186
I'll not refuse it. Despite having done ok for myself too...
From: Mouse21 Nov 2006 00:54
To: ALL81 of 186
I shall join all after I've finished for the day in hebden, which will probably see me arriving at about 6.15. So don't stray miles from the station if possible.
From: Manthorp21 Nov 2006 00:56
To: Mouse 82 of 186
Will you bring festive acid from the good burghers of HB? Or a few lines of depressing poetry about dead sheep and/or unrequited lesbian passions?