Xmas Forum Northern Meat

Message 31146.47 was deleted
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 01:42
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 48 of 186
his technique seems to rely upon the notion that persistant tapping moves mountains.

This is the Taoist way. Or would be, if persistent had been spelled right.
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 01:47
To: spinning_plates 49 of 186
Draught Bass is good beer. Bottled is not such good news, though they do a fine, pokey barley wine. I used to drink three bottles in a pint glass as a prelude to a Friday night out. Needless to say I can remember very little of them, other than I used to regularly wake up in the gutter covered in vomit.
Message 31146.50 was deleted
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 01:54
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 51 of 186
That's because you are the bastard son of a hundred maniacs.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Nov 2006 13:12
To: Manthorp 52 of 186
I just realised I might have a Wii in my bag if I come. You definately can't have that!
From: Mouse10 Nov 2006 13:15
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 53 of 186
Stranger things have happened at Northern Meats.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Nov 2006 13:17
To: Mouse 54 of 186
I just realised how bad that post was :?
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 19:51
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 55 of 186
You can Wii where you want. Most of the others do. But it would be great to have a late night play when you, me Kenny and Ricard00 get home. Or will it still be in its box?
From: DrBoff (BOFF)10 Nov 2006 19:52
To: Manthorp 56 of 186

I don't know whether I'd want to get it out when I come, especially with you three around!


(I thought I was going to pre-order one, but I think I might wait until I'm home, so we'll see.)

From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 20:23
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 57 of 186
THat seems emntirely reasonable. No. 3 son got his Xbox360 this week, so we can still have consolicious fun anyway.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Nov 2006 14:02
To: Manthorp 58 of 186

Are we decided on the date, or waiting for more people to confirm? Just I was thinking of getting my train tickets soon.


Also what time do these things usually start?

From: Rich (RICARD00)11 Nov 2006 14:44
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 59 of 186

It seems to be Leeds and the 9th, doesn't it?


You'd better wait for Manthorp and co to confirm that this suits before spending money.


Oh, and it usually starts about 12.30 to 1pm at Wetherspoons in Leeds train station.

EDITED: 11 Nov 2006 14:46 by RICARD00
From: Manthorp11 Nov 2006 15:56
To: Rich (RICARD00) 60 of 186
It works for me.

Avengers assemble: 12.30ish, Saturday 9th December, Leeds Station Wetherspoons. Mine's a pint of Guinness unless they've got Spitfire on.

Any interest in a Secret Satan?
From: DrBoff (BOFF)11 Nov 2006 16:10
To: Manthorp 61 of 186
I'd be up for that.
From: Manthorp11 Nov 2006 21:51
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 62 of 186
From: Manthorp11 Nov 2006 21:55
To: Username 63 of 186
C'mon, you big puff. You know your appearance would be most groovy thing you've ever done in your life to date. Kenny (gent that he is) would pick you up somewhere along the line, and we would all love you long time.

You HATE online communication. You LOVE real-to-real communication. So put your hitching thumb where your gob is.
From: Manthorp13 Nov 2006 09:24
To: ALL64 of 186
Let's start taking numbers:

I reckon so far we have:

  • Wingnut
  • Ricard00
  • Dave!!
  • Mouse
  • Skeletonboff
  • Moorlock
  • me
  • possibly my second best woman (have you texted her, Ricard00?)

So who else is up for it?
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Nov 2006 09:57
To: Manthorp 65 of 186
Meh - it looks like I won't be able to make it after all.
From: Dave!!13 Nov 2006 10:51
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 66 of 186