Count me in too and can I kip on your floor (or you can kip on mine if it's nearer to our house.
What about the cottage in Reeth for a forum meat?
16 bunks and 4 pubs within spitting distance, very bleak in December, weather-wise but would it matter?
Anyone care to pitch a date or two?
What about 16th?
<addendum> Although I've just read Milko say that if it was on teh 9th, he could make a Northern Meat, which would be highly groovy. </addendum>
I'd love to come along and meet some of you chaps, but for the Atlantic Ocean. I've been to a bunch of internet meets, organising a good number of them and it's true that they "change the way you think and feel towards life".
I'm like the opposite of Trig, in that I count the people I talk with online as some of my closest acquaintances, so there's nothing like meeting up with them in real life for a chinwag. When I was in the UK I'd pop off all over the country to meet people but now it's rather more complicated that just jumping on a train.
Unfortunate, because I could do with something like this at the moment.
And following on from Greg's post, I can manage Leeds, York or Newcastle.
York aint bad as it's just 30 minutes on the train. Leeds is manageable, but the train journey is over an hour. Newcastle is also dead easy for me by train.
They should be more carful.
(It doesn't get any better than that!)