Xmas Forum Northern Meat

Message 31146.25 was deleted
Message 31146.26 was deleted
From: Dave!! 9 Nov 2006 23:09
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 27 of 186

Yes, and I'm really glad you and Steve's dog have such a healthy relationship :)


I was also more wondering about saving some hassle by bogging off home later that night. From York I can get a train just after 11:30 which gets me back. With further away places, that might not be possible. And you've got the dog basket :(

Message 31146.28 was deleted
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 9 Nov 2006 23:34
To: Manthorp 29 of 186

Four hours on the train! Bums! That's 2/3s of my journey to Scotland. But wait! What if I come home then...


Ok, I'm a provisional if I can arrange to get home on the sunday and can have a place to stay and store my worldly goods.

From: Manthorp 9 Nov 2006 23:40
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 30 of 186
Grand. My better half says she wouldn't have you again anyway, after the disappointment with the loofah.

Bind the Sheffield possie to you with chains of iron on Friday night so they're obliged to clank after you all the way back up to civilisation on the Saturday. And bring their women too. Especially Dyl's.

I might bring my second best woman if she's around these parts at the time. Ricard00, get your tongue back in your head.
From: Manthorp 9 Nov 2006 23:43
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 31 of 186
Ok, I'm a provisional

Oi! Shankill butchers, get him!

But you are more than welcome to a night of stolen delight with either Ginger, Sweaty, Hiss or Evel. Or indeed a sofa. Your worldly goods will be forfeit, however.
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 9 Nov 2006 23:44
To: Manthorp 32 of 186
Dammit. I have some good worldly goods.
From: Manthorp 9 Nov 2006 23:58
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 33 of 186
They're my goods now Dave SkeletonBoff.
Message 31146.34 was deleted
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 00:05
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 35 of 186
From: Rich (RICARD00)10 Nov 2006 00:17
To: Manthorp 36 of 186
I've lost her mobile number :-((
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 00:18
To: Rich (RICARD00) 37 of 186
I'll sell it you.
Message 31146.38 was deleted
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 00:20
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 39 of 186
She's found love. Again. Nice bloke though, if a little goateed for my own tastes.
From: Rich (RICARD00)10 Nov 2006 00:21
To: Manthorp 40 of 186

It was entrusted to me so that in future invites would be extended to her, as your senility often catches you out...



Message 31146.41 was deleted
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 00:55
To: Rich (RICARD00) 42 of 186
So you say. I can't remember any such arrangement. Ah. Pmed.
From: Manthorp10 Nov 2006 00:58
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 43 of 186
I'll soon show her the error of her ways. Probably by being too shy to talk to her. That'll show her.

It's always worked for you in the past. The number of times she's confided in me that if only the florid one in the corner had so much as looked at her, she'd have squeezed the last drop of juice out of him with any muscle he elected...
Message 31146.44 was deleted