Xmas Forum Northern Meat

From: Mouse22 Dec 2006 00:53
To: dyl 176 of 186
I was rubbish at it :(
From: Dave!!22 Dec 2006 00:53
To: Mouse 177 of 186
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 01:58
To: Manthorp 178 of 186
Actually, I hadn't realised what the circumstances of that picture were (I assume it's that picture) so the fact that I was so immature I changed To Let to ToiLet now seems quite appropriate.
From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 06:59
To: spinning_plates 179 of 186
You're cleverer than you know.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 17:33
To: Manthorp 180 of 186
The question must be asked though: does that still hold true now I know that?
From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 19:44
To: spinning_plates 181 of 186
No, now you're stupider.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 19:54
To: Manthorp 182 of 186
Ah. So now we've established that the act of knowing that you are smarter or stupider than you are changes the fact I am trapped in an oscillating loop of being alternately cleverer and then stupider than I think. I suppose somewhere there must be a cross-over point where I am exactly as clever/stupid as I think?
From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 19:57
To: spinning_plates 183 of 186
Nope, doesn't happen. It's a quantum phenomenon with with no exact alignment between the cleverer>stupider and stupider>cleverer cycles. Soz.
From: spinning_plates22 Dec 2006 20:02
To: Manthorp 184 of 186
Still at least I can tell I'm on a stupid cycle right now, since I don't wholly understand your last post. Although if I know I'm set to stupid at the moment, then I can't actually be more stupid than I think which must mean I'm cleverer than I think I am right now. In which case, having deduced that, my estimation of my cleverness has changed and... oh fuck, my brain is leaking.
From: Manthorp22 Dec 2006 21:08
To: spinning_plates 185 of 186
Epiminedes' done got ya.
From: spinning_plates24 Dec 2006 23:27
To: Manthorp 186 of 186
Oooh, I do like a good paradox!