Xmas Forum Northern Meat

From: Dave!!11 Dec 2006 09:59
To: dyl 153 of 186
I heard your name and for some reason the only spelling which entered my mind was "Dill" which is a nice sauce for fish. And so I was thinking :? until 10 minutes later when it twigged that the spelling I should be thinking of was "Dyl". Then everything fell into place and I felt rather silly :-$
From: Manthorp11 Dec 2006 10:24
To: Dave!! 154 of 186
That almost qualifies you for numpty of the day (or rather the day before yesterday).
From: Matt11 Dec 2006 10:49
To: Mouse 155 of 186
6 seconds later?
From: Manthorp11 Dec 2006 12:57
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 156 of 186
You're not too old to have your legs slapped, you know.
From: Dave!!11 Dec 2006 13:08
To: Manthorp 157 of 186
So who actually did get this prestigious "numpty of the day" award the day before last? :)
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)11 Dec 2006 13:37
To: Manthorp 158 of 186

Maybe not, but I am too far away. :P

From: dyl11 Dec 2006 14:07
To: Dave!! 159 of 186
At the time I could only assume you were trying to make some sort of point, as we've had enough protracted arguments over the last 6 years that I couldn't believe you didn't recognise my name. Nice to know you're just daft!
EDITED: 11 Dec 2006 14:07 by DYL
From: Dave!!11 Dec 2006 14:08
To: dyl 160 of 186
Well, daft and semi-drunk at the time. I think I'd had about 4-5 pints by the time you arrived.
From: dyl11 Dec 2006 14:10
To: Dave!! 161 of 186
You did get a significant head-start so fair enough.
From: Manthorp11 Dec 2006 17:15
To: Dave!! 162 of 186
General Pinochet. The excitement was too much.
From: GreyHair11 Dec 2006 20:18
To: Matt 163 of 186
Manthrob by name Manthrob by nature......(thanku Matt)
From: GreyHair11 Dec 2006 20:22
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 164 of 186
Cheeky Brat!
From: Manthorp11 Dec 2006 20:57
To: GreyHair 165 of 186
Do good Muslim girls throb? I'm sure they must.

Specially when being industrial-strength flirted with by dashing (and increasingly wealthy) Middlesburghian networking tycoons.
From: Mouse11 Dec 2006 21:54
To: Matt 166 of 186
I suspect so, we both look throughly spent :(
From: Rich (RICARD00)12 Dec 2006 00:25
To: Manthorp 167 of 186
I can't help being a whore in the face of such resistance.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Dec 2006 17:54
To: Manthorp 168 of 186



I found my internet again.


Firstly, thanks to steve for your hospitality. The pizzas were delicious as was the vodka and I enjoyed your dog immensely. Secondly sorry I didn't say bye Rich, completely slipped my mind! Thirdly, thanks for saying I'm cool mouse. You are too. The latency thing (for everyone who wasn't there) was the most random application of my physics knowledge I think I've even given.


But yes, enjoyable all. And I actually had a good night's sleep in Steve's bed :)

From: DrBoff (BOFF)13 Dec 2006 17:56
To: ALL169 of 186

They all hated me really.
From: Dave!!13 Dec 2006 19:40
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 170 of 186
You were too busy cuddling up to Manthorp in there >:-(
From: spinning_plates21 Dec 2006 20:02
To: Dave!! 171 of 186
Grief. I think I have attained a new level of pointlessness.
From: Manthorp21 Dec 2006 22:29
To: spinning_plates 172 of 186
Sound. Arfle arfle.