Xmas Southern Forum Meet

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Dec 2006 13:08
To: Voltane 92 of 124
That is indeed bad news. I am in london at my sisters new house, tis very nice and she is attempting to cook me brunch. Does anyone fancy a pizza in that pizza place near the pub about 1 or so?
From: koswix16 Dec 2006 13:22
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 93 of 124
Mmm pizza. Apparently i had pizza last night, but i was too drunk to remember. The blokey infront of me in the queueure gave me weed though \o/
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Dec 2006 13:29
To: koswix 94 of 124
Ummm bring the weed to put on the pizza! Or just smoke it, what ever is easier.
From: Edd16 Dec 2006 13:32
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 95 of 124
If you'll be in the (pizza express?) anyway I might turn up. After a mandatory trip through CEX.
EDITED: 16 Dec 2006 13:32 by EDD
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Dec 2006 13:43
To: Edd 96 of 124
Yo its not pizza express its on the corner of the road near the tesco's I might see you in cex if I get my skates on!
From: Dave!!16 Dec 2006 20:05
To: paul 97 of 124
Hehehe! I somehow knew you'd understand. Plus, motorcycle tyres are only made a few thousand at a time, rather than <popular car> which will have a run of millions. On a bike though, I'll have a new tyre over a puncture repair every time. I value my life :D

There's other things too. Motorcycle tyres are designed to operate against the road around a much greater circumference of the tyre whereas car tyres effectively sit "flat" against the road. This does significantly change the build up and structural loads that the tyre has to cope with.

I've actually got a puncture on my bike's rear tyre, but it's a slow and I can cope by blowing the tyre up once a week. Plus I have a compressor in the garage so it only takes 30 seconds or so. Then it's hard enough to last a week before it needs re-inflating again. If it got any worse though, it'd be new tyre time.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Dec 2006 21:26
To: ALL98 of 124
Miffle piffle fnar and piff amp up an amplify
From: koswix16 Dec 2006 22:51
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 99 of 124
Wuss. Even short arms lasted longer.
From: Edd17 Dec 2006 00:41
To: koswix 100 of 124
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)17 Dec 2006 12:09
To: koswix 101 of 124
I was lucky to get that train in the end! Good to meat you lot again.
From: Manthorp18 Dec 2006 08:31
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 102 of 124
So what about the blow-by-blow account, full of juicy gossip and scandal? I can't wait till the next OK magazine comes out to hear all about the second most exciting event of the winter calendar. Lazy twats.
From: Voltane18 Dec 2006 12:06
To: Manthorp 103 of 124

I was there first, fresh from shopping for a presesnt for myself. I had intended to keep Wattsy company but he managed to get lost despite the fact that this is the 7th/8th time we've been there.


Edd was next and then Wattsy. Kos turned up after we had found a table at our usual spot.


Milko and Matt made an appearance later on and squeezed onto the table. Matt complained about the Organic Lager they had, even if the glass it was in did suit him.


Kos had a large sandwich and was shocked when the bar staff pointed out that it would come with salad. They didn't mention that it wouldn't be deep fried but I guess they thought he might take offense.
I also purchased some Nachos as tradition demanded but without Fozza there wasn't the usual feasting.


There was much celebrating of my beard, which lead Kos to name me Rasputin.


Milko and Matt left about the time the latecomers arrived (Paul and Helen, later joined by Martin). About this time Wattsy left although I can't be too sure as i'd had a few.
Dyl didn't turn up but EP did (in photo form).


The rest of the meet lies unremembered except for eating in KFC with Edd.
I then tried to get home but ended up on the Edgware branch. Once on the right line I got off at East Finchley and changed platforms and headed back into London!
Eventually got back to High Barnet and went to a mates where I tried my best to pay attention to Battlestar Galactica and then stayed the night.


The bonus was waking up without a hangover.
Then spent 20 minutes at home before heading to a mates and getting home at 11:30pm last night.


I think that covers it.

From: Edd18 Dec 2006 12:36
To: Voltane 104 of 124
I didn't have a hangover, oddly too. I do have the photos, but I haven't uploaded them yet. I sent one to Milko on the wii, though.

Obvious highlight: the question of babies with two heads/three bodies
EDITED: 18 Dec 2006 14:46 by EDD
From: Dave!!18 Dec 2006 14:28
To: Voltane 105 of 124
Sounds pretty good overall! :)
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)18 Dec 2006 14:40
To: Edd 106 of 124

Hangover I did have, then was forced into going carol singing at the chuch I got married in. Fucking shite that n all!


Carols make me laugh they are soooo shite!

From: paul18 Dec 2006 16:36
To: Voltane 107 of 124

Many thanks to <whoever> for getting me there!


Although I do seem to be labouring over that pint....


My bad.


Oddly enough, I had no hangover either!



From: dyl19 Dec 2006 02:26
To: ALL108 of 124
From: Edd19 Dec 2006 11:11
To: dyl 109 of 124

Is there some gallery I can stick them on?
(about 6 of them)

EDITED: 19 Dec 2006 11:11 by EDD
From: dyl19 Dec 2006 12:59
To: Edd 110 of 124
Almost certainly, I'd say.
From: Edd19 Dec 2006 13:03
To: dyl 111 of 124
Any further clues?