Xmas Southern Forum Meet

From: PNCOOL13 Dec 2006 21:04
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 67 of 124
You can change myself and Helen's status to definites now.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)13 Dec 2006 22:27
To: koswix 68 of 124

Yes and Yes


See you there!

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)13 Dec 2006 22:27
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 69 of 124
From: steve14 Dec 2006 00:58
To: ALL70 of 124
So just to make sure.. THIS Saturday? I was certain it was the 19th for some reason :$ But that is okay, I'll try and buy tickets tomorrow to hopefully knock a bit off the fare!
From: Voltane14 Dec 2006 10:17
To: steve 71 of 124

Yeah, this Saturday!


Must remember not to drink too much on Friday night, don't want to go to another meet with a hangover. :D

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)14 Dec 2006 12:21
To: ALL72 of 124

HooRAY :D Looks rather spunky, I'll be thinking of you while I... actually I'm not sure, I'm hoping I'll be getting equally (and RESPONSIBLY) drunk.
Roar, have fun!


ps: Steve, please do make it this time and provide amusing photos of yourself :C (hug)

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)15 Dec 2006 13:15
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 73 of 124

Tis be a shame that you will not be there my friend!


So everyone ready for tomorrow? I now have to get up at 8 to get a train into london because the SHITE southwest train company have rapped all the services to London. Might even have to leave earlier than normal becuase of this :@

From: milko15 Dec 2006 13:18
To: ALL74 of 124

Crap this is tomorrow isn't it augh ok no worries I'll be there fun fun fun.


I just bought a flat btw.

From: Voltane15 Dec 2006 13:22
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 75 of 124

I'll be there about 2/3pm depending on meeting up with Keith and David (although they'll probably make their own way) and whether I do any Christmas shopping.


Should be staying to the end, unless I decide to go a gig down the road (unlikely). Or pass out.

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)15 Dec 2006 13:23
To: milko 76 of 124
A flat? I thought you were getting a house?
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)15 Dec 2006 13:23
To: Voltane 77 of 124
I can see myself sitting in that pub all by my self for a few hours then, as per normal!
From: milko15 Dec 2006 13:27
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 78 of 124
A house? In London?! Yes, and I earn more money than God. It's a two bedroom flat and as such is relatively palatial.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)15 Dec 2006 13:29
To: milko 79 of 124
I see! I thought you did earn more money than some of the gods!
From: milko15 Dec 2006 13:40
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 80 of 124
More than a few minor deities but not yet on to the level of the big boys, Zeus and so forth.
From: dyl15 Dec 2006 13:43
To: paul 81 of 124
£120 for a tyre? Do you drive an HGV?
From: Woggy15 Dec 2006 13:54
To: dyl 82 of 124
Mine cost £38, cheapo budget ones, it's not as if I'm taking it round a track or anything.
From: dyl15 Dec 2006 13:59
To: Woggy 83 of 124

I think mine were a bit less than that even. Not that there's much rubber involved in a skinny Punto tyre, so you'd expect cheapness really.


Paul will think I'm having a go at him if I'm not careful, and I'm absolutely not, but I've noticed a couple of times recently how different our definitions of impoverished are, and mine doesn't involve being able to pay (only!!!) £110 for a graphics card and £120 for a single tyre!

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From: dyl15 Dec 2006 14:09
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 85 of 124

Oh ok. I get irrepairable punctures often enough (like once a year) that I can't imagine it would be worth spending that much. And a full set of tyres would cost almost as much as the value of the car which, however economically rational, I would have a problem with.


<insert likewise generic "tyres are not interesting and I can't believe we're talking about them" disclaimer here>

From: paul15 Dec 2006 15:21
To: dyl 86 of 124

£120 included supply and fit, collection of bike from my garage to workshop and the usual taxes.


Motorcycle tyres are much more expensive than car tyres because of the shorter manufacturing lines.


I can't say I was best pleased with having to fork out for it (fail)


The graphics card was only facilitated courtesy of birthday and xmas money.


My idea of impoverished is that I earn £30k but, after paying my mortgage, utilities, council tax and maintenance, I have around £75 per week for food, petrol, motorcycle running costs, tobacco and alcohol.


It doesn't go far, I cannot remember the last time I went out to a pub.

