I I its changed!

From: Bryan (TWISTER)31 Oct 2006 09:39
To: ALL1 of 29
The starting screen has just changed!

Looks better.

Just one niggle though... now have a horizontal scroll bar when the thread titles are too long to fit the frame. Didn't they used to wrap?

Prefer the wrapping method.

Other than that, cool, so far.


From: Dave!!31 Oct 2006 09:53
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 2 of 29
They do wrap. The only time you get the scrollbar is when someone creates a thread titled something like "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" where you get one word which is too long. Then it doesn't wrap and you get a scrollbar. Find the offending thread, mark it as read then refresh the thread list and the scrollbar will magically dissapear :)
From: Bryan (TWISTER)31 Oct 2006 09:58
To: Dave!! 3 of 29
It's still there!

The thread "A favour from arty typestyle people" or something like that is causing the scrollbar.

As far as i can tell I have read it, and marked it as read. But it is still there. :[

Is it my puter, or am I doing something silly?


EDITED: 31 Oct 2006 09:59 by TWISTER
From: patch31 Oct 2006 10:02
To: Dave!! 4 of 29
The Start page, not the thread list pane.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Oct 2006 10:02
To: Dave!! 5 of 29
He's talking about the start page, not the main thread list.
From: Bryan (TWISTER)31 Oct 2006 10:05
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 of 29
The page with the gallery on it that lists recently accessed threads.


From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Oct 2006 10:14
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 7 of 29
Yup, that's the start page.
From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 12:36
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 8 of 29
Oh was it meant to look like that? I thought i'd just caught a random forum hiccup.
From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 12:39
To: ALL9 of 29

After having another look, i much prefered it the way it was. If the coding wizards could make it wrap instead of having the scrollbar prblem mentioned above, then i might change my mind.


But for now i don't like it.

From: Matt31 Oct 2006 18:25
To: MrTrent 10 of 29
Wrapping should be sorted now. I've added some of the functionality from the thread list as well.
From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 18:33
To: Matt 11 of 29

Looking better now.


HOw about adding the drop down menu in there as well, so you can go straight to unread to:me, etc?

From: Matt31 Oct 2006 18:37
To: MrTrent 12 of 29
That would blur the differences between it and the thread list too much says me.
From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 18:47
To: Matt 13 of 29
Wasn't that the point in changing it in the first place?
From: Matt31 Oct 2006 18:49
To: MrTrent 14 of 29
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Oct 2006 19:02
To: Matt 15 of 29

A simple To:Me counter somewhere might be nice.
Like how it says "you've got 2 unread PMs" or whatever.
Can't think of where a nice place for it to go would be?

EDITED: 31 Oct 2006 19:03 by BOUGHTONP
From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 19:35
To: Matt 16 of 29
Then what was the point?
From: Bryan (TWISTER)31 Oct 2006 20:04
To: Matt 17 of 29
That's muchly better... (hug)

Just a thought for another addition. This may/maynot have been mentioned in past history.

The bit at the bottom of the posts that says something like:

Show All 1-20 etc.

Could we have that at the top as well?

I've found that if I'm catching up on a very long thread that scrollng to the bottom to advance to the next lot is a pain. Just a thought.


From: Matt31 Oct 2006 20:34
To: MrTrent 18 of 29
To redesign it.
From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 21:11
To: Matt 19 of 29

Just fancied a change?


Fair enough then.

From: MrTrent31 Oct 2006 21:12
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 20 of 29