LP :meow:

From: johngti_mk-ii14 Sep 2006 13:27
To: andy 53 of 64

Its a good 'un though - the sentence still works even with 'joke' replaced by 'jock'.


I think he did that one on purpose.

From: spinning_plates14 Sep 2006 15:10
To: andy 54 of 64
Not to mention that, one way or another, be it jocks or jokes, he said "was the sick *plural*" when obviously it should have been "were".
From: andy14 Sep 2006 17:07
To: spinning_plates 55 of 64
The sick bastard.
From: Rowan14 Sep 2006 23:39
To: spinning_plates 56 of 64
I would've gone with 'is', actually. There's only one thing he can remember.
From: lp16 Aug 2008 15:52
To: lp 57 of 64

God, get that pole out of your ass you righteous cunt!


My goodness, I'm so much cooler than that guy!

From: ANT_THOMAS16 Aug 2008 16:11
To: lp 58 of 64
Whatever LP. Sort your sig out.
From: lp16 Aug 2008 16:15
To: ANT_THOMAS 59 of 64

Right you are :)


Heh, I was just doing some past reading - Is there a time limit on posts, or is it just as long as the database exists?
It's kinda odd reading stuff & cringing at how highly strung I have been (& quite possibly may be again sometime, but I think I'm on top of things now)

EDITED: 16 Aug 2008 16:15 by LP
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Aug 2008 16:23
To: lp 60 of 64

As far as I know it's however long we've been on this database.


And yes, I agree totally, I hate reading past messages.

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)16 Aug 2008 19:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 61 of 64
I don't. I remain as incomparably erudite (and funny) as I have ever been.
From: Dave!!16 Aug 2008 20:58
Indeed. That was a good joke! (giggle)
From: Manthorp19 Aug 2008 16:21
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 63 of 64
Word. Amen. Whatever it is you Muslims say.

"Die, infidel dog", I think.
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